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Bianca pov

"Seriously Bee , it's senior year and your moms still making you dress up to her satisfaction?" My best friend Olivia asks me as I reach the same locker I've had for the past 3 years. She's been my best friend ever since diapers due to how close our dads are, and honestly I'm so grateful.

"You know how she is. She doesn't want to let the family rep down" I say rolling my eyes at my mothers actions. Ever since I was smaller she has always made me dress par to our family status, god forbid she if catches me wearing sweats. It's horrible, heels all day everyday no flats unless I go on a run. That's my only excuse to wear something a normal teen would wear with out my parents flipping out on me and end up giving me a lecture on how unladylike I am. "I guess Being rich isn't easy huh" She says sarcastically making me laugh. "Definitely not, ugh such a hassle" I say playing along and soon we both laugh and head to our first periods to start off our first day of senior year.

I walk into my pre cal class and take a seat instantly zoning out and texting Olivia since nobody I normally associate with is in here.

To liv
-None of my friends are in here:/
-ugh rip.

From liv
-you won't catch me complaining I have Blake seaton in here;))

To liv
-get him tiger
-I believe in u
-ur THAT bitch

"Bianca Davis, they need you in the office, preferably with your bags." The teacher says looking up from his computer. I sigh and stand up collecting all of my things wondering what I possibly could have done considering it's only the first day and my parents would literally kill me if I broke a rule.

As I enter the main office I instantly notice an unfamiliar guy sitting in one of the waiting chairs in the corner practically passed out.

"Miss Davis! We have a new student and he's needing a tour of the campus and he needs to know the guide lines of the district. Would you mind doing that?" The principal mr. cowell asks me. You can practically see the plead in his eyes. He's a very nice principal and a good friend of my dads, so either way I had to say yes. "Of course!" I say with a smile and his eyes brighten. "Great!" He says and turns to face the guy that was asleep in the corner.

"Mr. gilinsky" mr. cowell coughs making the guy jump and wake up. I let out a small laugh at his reaction. "everything is set and ready, we also have one of our best students here to explain the guidelines of the school and give you a tour of the district" he says as the guy stands up and walks over to me with a back pack and a bag from Panda Express. "And let's save the sleeping for home not on campus" mr.cowell adds and he just nods with an annoyed smile.

"I'm Bianca Davis, but you can just call me bee" I say and he nods. "Jack Gilinsky" he says and holds out his hand after he checks me out. I roll my eyes and he just chuckles. "Alright so let's start with the basics.. sports?" I say and he nods. "Basketball for sure and I guess football" he says with a shrug.

"I'll show you our athletics hall and our field then" I say and take off my heels leaving me in my nude dress socks. I smile in satisfaction and he laughs. "What's up with that" he asks. "I hate heels so much, especially having to break them in so they get comfortable" I say rolling my eyes. "Then why wear them" he asks in a duh tone. "My mother is super strict about, Well.. anything" I say and we reach the gym. "So this is the home of the cardinals" I say as I open the gym doors revealing everything the construction crew worked so had to perfect.

"Fuck.. this is Way nicer than my old schools gym" He says to him self

"So I heard we have this hot new guy" Olivia says wide eyed when we take a seat at our table. Olivia is practically the definition of boy crazy, you say boy and she's giving you her undivided attention. "Yeah his names jack, he's pretty cool" I say and she laughs. "Did you not hear me when I say hot I mean hot" she says loudly setting her hands down on the table. She's sort of they type to always cause a scene but that's what I love about her.

"He's alright..." I say shrugging like it's no big deal. I've never been as crazy about guys as she has, we're practically two different people sometimes which is odd since we're best friends.

"He's already hanging out with Sammy, Johnson and Nate anyways so you know he's going to be the type to want to fuck anything with a vagina" I say throwing my head in the direction of their table where they were all laughing at something nate had said and the focus back on my food.

"No offense but just because nate cheated on you it doesn't mean they're all like that" she says taking a bite of her sandwich. She has a point, but it still doesn't change the fact that all the boys in the group have a very high body count. "None taken but they're still hoes" I say and she shakes her head and begins laughing.

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