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Bianca's pov

"Holy cow should I be this nervous?" I ask as we park in Nate's oh so familiar drive way. "Okay first of all stop saying holy cow you're a senior not twelve grow the fuck up, and secondly it's okay to be nervous but nothing good really ever comes from your comfort zone, especially yours..." Olivia says bluntly I roll my eyes. "Hey I cuss.." I say defending my self. "Rarely...just cuss Bianca  come on" she begs. I stay silent and she shrugs. "Told ya so" She says. "That's peer pressure" I say and she laughs. "Gosh you're such a weirdo" she says shaking her head.

I guess you could say liv is the more open and adventurous out of us two. She smokes, drinks, she's stolen a few things, and she's vandalized... she's really not scared to do anything. Sometimes I wish I could be like that.

We get out and head to the door but Olivia just opens it up and walks straight in right as I was about to knock.

My stomach instantly flips as soon as I walk in and the smell hits me. This is new to me, nate never smoked when we were together, or at least I didn't know about it.

"Come on in I guess" nate says shrugging and stops to check me out for the fifth time today.

We walk in and I take a seat by jack while liv sits by Sammy. She's had a thing for him for a while, yeah she has a think for almost everyone but with Sammy it's different. She's liked him since first grade, I can't blame her though he is hot.

"So how do you do this?" I ask looking at jack. "Just suck in and hold it for a little bit then blow it back out" nate says making me glare at him for a split second but soon stop when I realize he was only trying to help me out. "Okay..hit it twice then pass it to the left, which is me" jack says and I roll my eyes. " I know which way left is jack" I huff.

Sammy rolls it up then hits it twice and smiles. "Happiness really does grow on trees guys" he says as he blow out the smoke and passes it to me.

I take it in my hand nervously and stare at it for a second watching as the smoke come off the blunt and into the air.

"Fuck it" I say pulling it up to my lips and inhaling it. I immediately begin to cough making everyone laugh. "Fuck" I say through my coughs. "Here drink this" jack says handing me his cup. I down the drink he handed me and my throat starts to burn.

"What the fuck was that?!" I say disgusted. "Straight vodka baby" jack says winking.

"Y'all she's cussing a lot because of me just so y'all know... that was all me" Olivia says with a smug look on her face as she points to herself in satisfaction laughing at the fact that I'm about to die

"Just try it again" jack says after he takes a drink. He puts the cup to my lips and I shake my head no.

This is the most pressure I've ever been in.

"It's not that bad bee" Sammy says.

I open my mouth a little and he lifts the cup up a little so I can get some in my mouth and he lifts the cup up higher so it all rushes to my mouth. My throat starts to burn and I start to spit it all out but I see Nate's surprised face and Sammy's as well so I decide to just grow a pair and drink it all.

I let out a disgusted face and shake my head. "Never again" I say laughing.

Here I am trying new things I'd never see myself doing in a million years because of jack. Somehow he gets to me and I just... can't describe how but he just does. I kind of like it, it makes me feel free rather than how cooped up and sheltered I've been feeling my whole life.

"Hey at least you didn't spit...after all spitters are quitters" jack says and winks at me. "Oh trust me Bianca Davis never spits" Nate says in a sure tone. I give him a death stare. "And how would you even know the most we did was make out and you gave me a few hickeys and saw my boobs." I say matter of factly. "Baby, that's what we agreed on telling people when we were together, and we aren't anymore so why are you tripping" he says smirking at me knowing damn well he's lying through his teeth.

"Then if we were doing more than what we were you wouldn't have cheated on me, so stop with the bull shit nate" I say rolling my eyes and walk to his back yard.

Jacks pov

The room went silent after bianca walked away. Nate started chuckling being the usual dick everyone expects him to be."Wow you're so fucking funny nate..grow the hell up, lord knows you need to." Olivia says rolling her eyes as she stands up.

"No it's fine I got it.." I say standing up giving nate a look to let him know he crossed the line then proceed to walk towards the back door.

"I'm fine Olivia, just go back please" I hear Bianca say as she sits on the grass with her knees in her chest. You can tell she's crying by the shakiness in her voice.

"Not Olivia, but nice try" I say with a small smile as I sit next to her. "I'm fine, you can go back in and have your fun" She says looking away trying to hide the fact that she was crying.

"No you're not" I say and pull her into my chest making her instantly sob harder than she was before.

I've never been the ideal guy, I've never really had a genuine soft spot for anyone, and I've never been the type to stick around; but I need to be here for her now.

"You're right I'm not, I'm a fucking idiot for thinking he actually loved me for me and was staying with because he respected me and how I wasn't ready." She says pulling up some grass from the ground. "Hey you're not stupid, if anything he's the stupid one for cheating on you. If we knew each other when he did that I'd beat his ass in a heart beat" I say making her give me a small chuckle wiping away the tears that fell.

"I just.. I just wish I could get over him... a tiny part of me still loves him and I ugh I just want to throw it all away and move on as fast as he did." She groaned throwing her head back. "What do you say, we get out of here I have something that could help you get him off your mind" I say smirking and she slaps my chest, her usual answer to my sexual comments. "Jack!" She says laughing.

"Hey it made you smile, I won" I say and we lay down on the grass with her head on my chest slaking about anything and everything that would come to mind.

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