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Bianca's pov

I let out a deep breath and look in the mirror one more time and smile. For once I feel good about my style and outfit, rather than feeling forced into something like I always have been.

"Knock knock" I hear a voice say making my face light up. I run out of my closet and jump into mani's arms. It's been so long since I've gotten to see him and he's honestly one of my favorite people to be around.

"Wow this look it's..new" he says raising his eyebrows. I spin in a circle and smile. "I like it, jack is the one who helped me pick it out" I say and he laughs. "Does your mom know about this" he asks weary of my answer. "It's a surprise" I say and wink. "But anyways your mom said dinners ready and that jack guy is here too" he says and I nod. "Piggy back ride?" He asks and I smile jumping on his back he walks down the stairs with me on his back getting the attention from everyone due to how loud we were laughing.

I make a short eye contact with jack and see that he's wearing what we had planned and I smile.

"Bianca Ann Davis! What are you wearing" my mom asks obviously pissed at me. Jack smirks and I just shrug. "Jeans and a t shirt?" I say in a duh tone she looks at me in shock, this is the first time I've ever talked to my mom in that tone. "Go change. Now." She speaks lower where only I can hear. "I'm fine with what I'm in mom. I'm old enough to choose what I want to wear you don't control my life" I say rolling my eyes and grabbing a roll pff my plate taking a bite out of it.

"We need to talk." She says standing up, I take another bite ignoring her statement and looking up at jack. He gives me a secretive thumbs up. "Now" She says more sternly than before. I sigh and stand up following her through our swing doors into the kitchen has everyone begins to carry on as if nothing happened and eat their dinner.

"What's going on?"She asks putting her hands on her hips. "Nothing? I was just trying to eat dinner" I say annoyed. "Is it that jack boy. You've never acted out before him" she suggests. "No it has nothing to do with him,I'm just tired of you bossing me around, I'm about to be 18 mom and you're still acting like I'm twelve." I sat raising my voice. I can see the anger in her eyes as she lifts her hand up in the air and slaps my left cheek. "And this is exactly why Darren didn't stay" i say out of hate knowing he's a sensitive subject. Darren is my aunts son, he came to live with us when his parents passed in a car accident but left because of how harsh my mom was.

I storm out of the kitchen grabbing the basket of rolls and head up stairs to my room slamming the door behind me loud enough that they could hear it downstairs. Sadly Maria went on vacation three days ago or I'd be in her room with her. She's like my mom.

"Legendary" I hear jack say as the door opens making me laugh. "Oh shut up I tried my best, I'm new at this" I say rolling my eyes. "You're like 5 or so years late" he implies sitting on the edge of my bed. "It felt so good to stand up for myself and just break the rules for once" I say sitting up with him and he smiles

Jacks pov

She was thriving, I've rarely seen her like this in the month we've known each other. "Lets do something exciting" she says with amazement in her eyes. "Like?" I ask eager while scooting closer to her. She shrugs and smiles again as I move even closer.

"Hang on I'll be right back" she whispers and runs out of her room.

I nod and throw my head back and let out a groan when she leaves the room. I tried I guess.

Soon she comes back up to her room with 3 bottles of wine. I raise my eye brows and she shrugs closing her door behind her. "They'll never know, I got it from the back" she says deceivingly. "Gosh you're on a roll" I say sarcastically. She opens up one of the bottles and takes a big swig. The look on her face was priceless since this would only be her second time to drink. "I like this one better than the vodka that you had" She says and I smile.

Biancas pov

Tonight was probably the most I've seen jack smile and they seemed like real genuine smiles. I liked them. His smile was contagious and I'm thankful for that because I don't genuinely smile a lot on accident but he forces it out of me some how.

"What the hell Bianca" Mani says and closes the door behind him. "What?" I ask confused and he blankly stares at me. Something he's never done before. "What's gotten into you...this isn't you"He says furrowing his eyebrows together. "What happened to you, you've never acted like this before.." he says in disbelief. I roll my eyes not knowing how to reply. "That wasn't even me mani, it's just the person my mom had me set out to be..this..this is me, I feel amazing just doing what I want and not giving a fuck" I say and he shakes his head running his fingers through his hair. "I guess I didn't know you after all.." he says turning around and leaving me and jack alone again.

This hurt me. He's one of my best friends, he wouldn't lie about how he's feeling and that's what hurt me the most.

"Lets get out of here. I need to get my mind off of things" I say and he nods quickly standing up and heading towards the door. "Wait I'm gonna pack some clothes." I say rushing towards my closet grabbing a bag and some leggings with a t shirt putting the wine bottles.

"Ready?" Jack asks I nod my head and we start running down the stairs and head for the front door to get in my car. I toss him the keys and we can hear the parents screaming our names as we run out. The rush of adrenaline was amazing and indescribable.

We jump in my car and jack fumbles with the keys for a minute trying to find the right one and trying to fit it in ignition before everyone comes out to
Stop us.

"Here we go" he says loudly and backs up quickly and takes off going down our neighborhoods road taking a left to get back on the highway . I turn up the music and the motto was playing. "This feels great" he says hitting the steering wheel and going faster than we were before. "Where are we going" i ask and he shrugs. "I wanna show you my home town"he says and I smile to myself. He's starting to open up more, I feel like I get to see sides of him no one really gets to witness and of course I'm doing the same.

To Olivia
-me and jack just ran away sort of?

From Olivia
-what the fuck
-no invite?
-damn okay

To Olivia
it was sort of a in the moment thing...

From Olivia
Okay just be safe, love you. Text me if u need me

I leave her on read and turn off my phone turning back to jack. "Can't wait" I say and roll down and letting the rush of air come into the car making my hair flow everywhere. "That look suits you" jack says looking over at me with my hair roaming wild and my somewhat grungy attire. "I'm in love with it..thank you jack, for everything" I say and stand up putting my upper body through the sun roof watching all the cars pass by us on the highway.

I truly feel free and I couldn't love it more

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