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bianca's pov
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"ready?" nate asks me as he looks up from the tv. "the old bianca is back?" he asks looking at my outfit and i smile " yeah i figured its time" i say shrugging. "don't you think you're going to get cold?" he suggests and i laugh "that's why i have your jacket baby" i say and he nods with a proud smile. we tell my parents goodbye and headed to his car so we can leave for school.

"i'm going after school for an interview at that cafe we were talking about the other day" i say and he looks at me surprised. " oh you weren't joking? he asks and i laugh. "no i told you i was being for real." i say and he nods "want me to take you up there?" he asks me and i shake my head no. "olivia has an interview as well so we're just going to go together" i tell him as we pull into the school parking lot. "i'll just hang out with the boys or something" he says and i nod.

we head into the school holding hands and make our way to my locker. "bianca!!" i hear someone shout and i mentally roll my eyes.


"great." i say as she comes over to nate and i hand in hand with jack. i stare at their hands for a minute before i glance up at them and meet eyes with jack and he gives me a small smile. "jack told me we all have first period together." she says and i nod. "minus me" nate chimes in and i give him a sad face.

i lean in and kiss him and he pushes me against the lockers and starts kissing my neck making jack cough but nate smirks into his kisses and moves back up to my lips making them walk away and he pulls away. "thank goodness" he says and i laugh before walking to first period while he walks off with Johnson.

"so i hear you and jack aren't friends anymore? did you finally admit you had feelings for him and he cut you off?" Paige asks after i take a seat and the class laughs.

"no we were actually a thing for a little bit. i fucked up." jack says and i take my eyes off my desk and look at him. grace looks between both of us and finally catches on."yeah right." paige scoffs and jack pulls out his phone and hands it to paige. "believe me now?" he asks. when he takes his phone away i glance at his phone and it was a pic olivia took of us on the bed kissing. that day was funny we all made brownes, or attempted to until jack smeared most of the batter all over my face causing all of us to instantly break out into a food fight. an involuntary smile creeps onto my face as i think about it. i mouth a thank you over to jack and he nods and grace glares at me and begins to talk to jack and by her facial expressions i'm guessing it wasn't pretty.

to nate
hey you just want to skip? i'm kinda tired of everyone already.

i send him a text and see jack coming over here from a pissed off grace and take a seat by me. "what are you doing?" i ask jack in a confused tone and he laughs. "can i not sit by you?" he says awkwardly and i shake my head no. "i'm dating nate, jack and i really don't want people to assume stuff and mess up what me and him have going." i say quietly. "right i forgot, you have a boyfriend now so that messes up our whole entire friendship." he says annoyed. "no jack, you messed up the whole entire friendship. if we hadn't have gone through what we did and nate and i were dating then yes you could sit by me but we used to date and paige tends to spread rumors so please leave" i say pointing to his old desk and he rolls his eyes and lets out a frustrated sigh as he gets up.

from nate
yeah baby want to leave after 1st period?

to nate
yes. my parents aren't home we can go there

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