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jacks pov

"i kissed her" i blurred out in front of the boys. Johnson, sammy and nate to be exact. I couldn't help but tell them, i have no idea what me and bianca are at the moment but we're working on it that's for sure.

"who?" sammy asks eagerly as he smiles. i chuckle nervously and scratch the back of my neck.


nate's eyes darken when i look at him and he laughs. "you're kidding right" he says smiling. "she's my ex?" he states standing up. "bros before hoes" he adds again.

"the ex you cheated on." i state standing up as well. "way to go jack, i knew you liked her" Johnson says joining us as he stands up and begins to clap. i laugh a little bit then look back at nate who wasn't laughing but still staring at me.

if looks could kill.

"She was boring we were juniors and she wasn't going to have sex? what would you do." he states bluntly you can always count on nate for being brutally honest.

"she's anything but boring?" i say in the nicest way possible trying not to punch him for insulting her.

"aw someone's in love, is jack fucking gilinsky finally settling down." nate says laughing as if he shocked.

"no?" i say confused. am i?

do i want to?


"then i guess we can let this one slide"he says sitting back down and going on with whatever he was doing on his phone.

i look over at johnson and he shakes his head at me.

i know why.

bianca's pov

"okay so tell me!! now!" olivia says as we sit on my bed eating popcorn.

"well me and jack kissed...twice" i say nervously and she doesn't react the way i expected her to. "okay tell me the real news" she says calmly and i stay quiet and she catches on realizing it wasn't a joke.

"holy shit! finally!" she says standing up and clapping. i laugh and roll my eyes at the same time.

"okay so now have babies?" she says sitting down. "relax i don't even know what we are, we kissed. he does that to a lot of girls." i says shrugging knowing it's the truth. i can't exactly assume we are something if he's done this to a ton of other girls, so i shouldn't be acting like it's something special even though i have been since our first kiss two days ago.

"but he did it to you. his best friend apparently it means something." she indicates. maybe she has a point.

"yeah maybe, i don't want to get my hopes up though" i say looking down. "guys suck" i say and she laughs "mine doesn't" she says sticking her tongue out at me

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