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bianca's pov
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"thanks for the ride" i say as jack pulls into my drive way and he just shrugs. "no problem,it was nothing really"he says and i smile at how kind he always is to me. "um you can come in if you want?" i suggest and he chuckles making me instantly regret my decision.

maybe it was too fast. i bite the inside of my cheek as i wait for him to answer. He probably won't.

"don't your parents literally hate me" he says unsure of what to do and a rush of relief goes over me knowing i didn't make a complete fool of my self. "actually they aren't here at the moment." i say and he unbuckles and nods making us both open our door at the same time.

when we go inside he stops at the entrance and looks around worriedly. "you sure they're not home?" he asks whispering and i laugh. "Jack, I promise" i say and he walks in smiling and we both head to the kitchen.

"were you being for real when you said i didn't completely fail at making you jealous" he asks and my face heats up due to the fact that it completely slipped my mind after i had told him to kiss me.

"well i definitely didn't approve of your using grace idea when you told me but yes it really did make me jealous. I hated my self for being with nate when i was so caught up on you." i say truthfully and he lets out a small breath of air i hadn't realized i was holding in. "i'm really sorry for the way i treated you that day at the party and for what i had told cameron. i was so stupid" he says looking me in the eyes.

"i was way too harsh on you about it. i thought about it so much" i admitted sighing. i want to cry, i truly do. i hate my self so much right now. i was just dating nate and now i'm here talking to my ex jack. i feel like a hoe, maybe my mom was right the whole time.

"no you werent. i deserved every bit of it bianca. I was horrible that night. With Everyone finding it odd that i finally was settling down and talking about it, i didn't like the sound of it when it came out of someone else's mouth. I let other people's opinions get in the way of a relationship with someone that i'm completely in love with." he said honestly. i couldn't help but to smile.

"you..you love me?" i asked slowly still trying to grasp the concept of someone i've liked since the second month i met them, liking me.

Bianca fucking davis.

"I do i really do. I realized that 3 months ago when you got back together with nate and i've been obsessing over it ever since. Do you realize how hard it is to watch someone you love be with someone else over a stupid mistake you made?" he said sounding as if he was completely upset over it. "every thing about you is absolutely perfect Bianca And you don't realize it and it absolutely kills me. Your smile, your Laugh, your weird obsession with keeping everything perfectly inline, how you look with out make up and even the face you make when you think something's disgusting. All of it." he adds before i could even get a chance to speak.

"i love you too." i say with all seriousness.

the biggest smile i've ever seen jack release appeared on his face making the corners of my lips tug to form one as well. he quickly got up and came over to me and gave me a tight hug kissing my forehead, you could still feel his smile through the kiss

"thank you" he says after we break the hug.

i furrow my eyebrows and look at him. "for what?" i say with a small laugh escaping my lips. "for loving me back" he said with a smile making the strings in my heart tug. "why wouldn't i?" i say and he shrugs. "i've been let down once before when i've confessed something like that and i was scared out of my mind that you would do it too." he said and they start to tug even more, it makes me feel bad that he had to go through something as painful as that. i know how he feels though.

and it fucking sucks.

"it's kind of hard not to love you jack"

hey guys! i'm so sorry for making you wait so long for an update, i really haven't been as motivated to write but i'm ready to start again!

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