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her dress btw

her dress btw

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biancas pov

"i'm so nervous..." olivia says and i laugh. sammy finally asked her to the winter formal. "you look gorgeous!" i say to her and she raises her eyebrows at me. "red is most definitely the hottest color i've ever seen on you." she says and i laugh. "yeah nate is definitely going to want some tonight" grace says and i laugh. he would have already gotten some but you or your whatever you call him always walk in on us.

"ugh i knew the blue would look so good." i say and i hear loud laughs coming from downstairs meaning the guys were here.

we all start to walk down the stairs and the guys all look at us in awe. i look at nate and he has a proud smile on his face and he winks and i wink back and he just laughs. somehow my eyes wonder over to jack and he's already staring at me. he runs his hands through his hair and smiles and looks away real fast then turns his full attention on me. i couldn't help but smile. when i look back at nate he was looking at jack and his smile slowly starts to fade.

i know he saw what he did.

"i'm not the only one who just saw that right" olivia whispers to me as we reach the bottom and i shake my head and go over to nate.

"you look so beautiful" he says in a fake cheerful voice. i would try to pick at it to see if he saw jacks reaction but i wouldn't even know how to ask.

"let's get some pictures of all of you" maria says smiling. my mom and dad left this morning for a business trip for my dads job.

after we all take pictures we get into jacks car and olivia and sam ride together in sams.jack offered to drive while grace took the aux. personally i didn't know how to feel about it at first but the music wasn't that bad.

the whole way there we all listened and sang along to throw backs and we all just laughed. every once in a while jack and i would make eye contact through the rear view mirror and he'd show a small smile.

nate kisses my cheek and looked at jack.

a feeling of guilt sinks into my stomach and i put on a smile as i look at nate.

when we arrive nate takes my hand in his firmly and a smile creeps onto my face. i have to stop thinking about jack. i have nate. i have nate.

jack has grace.

the closer we got to the building the louder the music got and of course nate being nate he already started dancing before we even were in which made me laugh.

when we finally get in nate demands to take pics with me. all of our pics were goofy and not one serious one. how can i be stuck up on jack when i have someone to do this stuff with?

i look over at jack dancing and smiling down at grace. how can i be stuck up on jack when he has someone to do that stuff with?

"let's go dance" nate says smiling at me.

he takes my hand in his and leads me toward the crowd where everyone was dancing. the song rack city was playing and of course nate being nate he had to be goofy and show off in front of everyone. i couldn't stop laughing so i just stopped dancing and watched him. "come on baby" he says with a smirk and i playfully roll my eyes knowing what he wants me to do.

twerk on him.

"no" i say laughing and he shrugs and comes to me and starts playfully twerking on me. "oh my gosh nate!" i say laughing as olivia records us. "okay baby i'm sorry i just had to how you how it was done" he says cockily and shrugs and i shake me head. "you're definitely the best" i say sarcastically and he smiles. "well after you of course." he says and i laugh. "weirdoooo" i say and he shakes his head. i turn my head and see jack and we both make eye contact.

nate and i begin to y'all for a few minutes until the song ruin by shawn mendes comes on and my face lights up.

"we have to dance to this song" i say standing up and he follows me.

he puts his hands on my hips and i put my arms around his neck.

i him soflty to the song until my back hits someone else's. i unlink my arms and turn to see who it was


"i'm so sorry" i say and he laughs. "no worries. it's not your fault. i'm sorry" he says. and i shake my head. "no it's fine really you didn't do anything" i say with a small smile and turn around to nate and forgot to stop smiling.

"can we talk?" he asks and i nod hesitantly as we walk over to our table with our stuff.

"i don't know how to say this but are you hooking up with jack?" he asks and i furrow my eyebrows together. "no i wouldn't do that to you." i say and he laughs. "really but you'll kiss him?" he says i stay quiet and listen to shawn's voice for a second.

"listen he kissed me and i pushed him away instantly." i say and he nods. "do you ever miss him" he asks and i stay quiet and look over at jack to see him already looking over here. "look maybe this isn't the right time for us because obviously you're focusing on something else" he stops and looks over at jack making him refocus on grace. "see my point exactly, you're still into him and i just don't like the thought of being with someone who's still caught up with their ex" he says and my eyes start to water as he walks away.

jacks pov (finally i know)

i watch as nate walks off and leave bianca standing there. she looks sad.

she takes a seat and looks over at me obviously crying.

i let go of grace with out saying anything and start to walk over to bianca hearing grace ask questions but stop when she realizes where i'm going.

"shouldn't you be with your date" she says sniffling. "i'd rather be with you." i say sitting down in the chair next to her.

she stays quiet and stares off at one of the napkins on the table. "what's wrong bee" i ask worried.

"nate dumped me. he says i'm too caught up with y.. never mind" she says and finally looks at me. she was going to say you.

"let's get you home." i say standing up and holding my hand out to help her up. she takes it and i pull her up and she gives me a small smile. "it's nice talking to you with out fighting" she says laughing and i smile. "i've missed it" i say and she nods in agreement. we walk out the doors and into my car and she furrows her eyes brows. "you're just going to leave grace" she asks and i nod. "i've spent the past month listening to her complain just to try and make you jealous which i completely failed at" i say truthfully and she laughs. "not completely." she says and i look at her confused.

"just kiss me" she says

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