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bianca's pov
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to liv
-hurry the games about to start!
-i'm all alone :/

from liv
-hold your horses me and my date we're making out🤪
-on our way now

too much information. yikes. something she tends to do every once in a while. Now that she has a boyfriend i will be the one third wheeling all the time. i probably won't mind it as much since it's with olivia, unless i don't like hayes...which is probably very unlikely because jack and olivia y'all to highly of them.

"there you are!" olivia says coming up to me and hugging me tightly. she acts as if we hadn't seen each other in ages but i love it. "so this is hayes" she says proudly as we pull apart.

"i'm bianca, her best friend" i say shaking his hand and he laughs. "oh i've heard stories about you from jack" he says taking me by surprise, i figured he was going to say olivia...but jack?

how would i even come up in the conversation.

"he talks about you a lot actually" he adds making me blush.

"And they say they don't like each other" olivia says dramatically. "oh come on drop it no" i reply laughing. "oh come on drop it no" olivia mocks and i laugh. "you're wearing a shirt with his name and jersey number, youve got to be joking" she adds.

"best friends do this" i retort. "yeah they're definitely fucking" olivia says to hayes thinking i can't hear it and i laugh. she's so full of it sometimes

jacks a great guy and all but he's my best friend, i wouldn't want to do anything that would jeopardize our friendship. we're closer than ever now and i don't want it taken away.

"you did amazing!" i say to jack as he walks out of the locker room, wet from the after game shower. "you had like 3 touch downs" i add and he hugs me. "all for you bee" he says winking and i blush. i seriously need to stop doing that. it's been happening a lot more lately.

"ready to go?" he asks tossing his keys up in the air and catching them a couple times. "yes let's partyyy, well mainly you" i say shrugging.

"great let's go" he says throwing his arm around my shoulder and we head to his car.

"you did really great tonight jack, you're definitely the best and hottest one out there" paige says coming up to jack. He smirks but then quickly stops and laughs. "thanks" he says and tries to lead us off back to his car. "we should really hang out sometime" she says getting closer to him and putting her hand on his chest. "i think it'd be really fun" she says slowly dragging her finger down to the zipper of his pants making his breath hitch.

"sorry i'm busy on that day?" he says as more of a question than statement. making me laugh. she scoffs and walks off making us laugh even harder together while we jump in his car.

"she's pathetic" i say smiling and jack laughs. "someone sounds jealous" he says smirking.

"you wish jack gilinsky"i reply and he stats the car. "it's okay bianca, just admit it i won't rub it in too bad" he says smiling. "yeah right" i say laughing knowing he's lying straight through his teeth.

if you admit something like that to him he'd never let go of it. i accidentally slipped up and called him hot once and he didn't leave me alone about it for 2 weeks.


"it's cold" i say rubbing my arms as we step out of the house in our swimsuits. "no kidding" he says laughing making us rush to the hot tub before it gets too cold.

"here" jack says handing me his cup full of henny. "you sure?" i ask weary of his actions and he nods with a smile. i take a drink and hang it back to him and he laughs at my face.

"wow well that was umm.. strong" i say coughing and he laughs. "i should have known you were up to something" i reply making him rub his hands together. "i just wanted to see how you'd react" he says shrugging making me roll my eyes. "you know you could have saved me the trouble and not let me do that" i suggested. "and what let me miss out on the cute face you made after wards?" he asked surprised.

i instantly blush, hopefully he can't see it through all of the make up i'm wearing. "whatever" i say not knowing how else to reply.

"you remember the first time we met and you took off your heels so your feet wouldn't hurt" he says after a somewhat long comfortable silence. he's been drinking for a while and he's drank a lot. i think about the first time we met, he was passed out and already got in trouble for it, he had his panda express making me later learn that his favorite food is Chinese we both bonded over that for at least an hour one time.

"oh yeah!" i say with a small laugh slightly surprised that he even remembered that, but jack remembers the little things and more and it's such a good quality he has.

"i lowkey thought it was the cutest thing" he said with a big smile on his face. i laugh and face palm. "why" i said laughing. "i don't know it was just cute" he says shrugging. "anyways you want to go in now my ears are cold" he says whining. he's definitely drunk or takeaway tipsy. i've never actually been around jack when he was drunk, only when he's had a couple drinks.

i nod and we quickly head inside where it was much warmer.

i head to the bathroom and he follows me. "jack i have to pee!" i say smiling trying to shut the door but he's obviously stronger than me so i don't have the slightest chance of winning.

he comes in with some make up wipes and i laugh. "no" i say covering my face. "come on bre i've never seen you with out make up, please" he asks pulling one out. "jack" i say quietly covering my face as he just looks at me and give me a quick small smile making me give in so i lower my hands and jump on the counter top

he gently removes my make up making me laugh, his balance was off really bad so he was having trouble standing still.

"wah lah!" he slurs once he's done i turn around and look at my bare face. i quickly cover it, i've always been somewhat self conscious. Mainly when someone's staring at me, which is what he's doing right now. i always feel like they're about to point out my flaws as if i don't already know they're there.

he stays quiet making me feel even more insecure.

"you're beautiful bianca" he says slowly

"you're drunk jack" i say quietly, he's probably just saying this because he's drunk. he doesn't mean it, he thinks girls like jessie and paige are cute.

"yes i'm drunk." he says lowering my hands making my face heat up

"and you're beautiful. and tomorrow i'll be sober...and you'll still be beautiful" he says softly looking into my eyes he leans in and gently presses his lips against mine

hey guys!!💖 first kiss EEKK hows the story so far??

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