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bianca's pov
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after hours of just sitting around being worried about jack i finally decided to grow a pair and ask him about us. i'm genuinely confused about everything, the second kiss didn't clear any of that up other than the fact that he remembered the first one.

to jack

maybe it's too soon to ask him what we are, what if i regret it later on today.

from jack
-go ahead

i smile and nervously begin to type, i don't even know what to ask exactly.

to jack
-we've kissed..2 times.
-and like i don't know what that's supposed to mean?
-what are we? i mean i'm starting to realize that i like you and i don't want to get hurt again...

"i'm going to get your mother, do you need anything while i'm out" my dad says making me jump. he laughs and i playfully roll my eyes, this weekend was amazing, no mom and me and my dad went out to eat alone for the first time in a while and not to mention jack.

"no thank you, i'll be fine" i say and he nods and walks out as my phone vibrates.

i hesitate to look at it due to how nervous i was for his answer but i give in anyway and check.

from jack
-i'd like to say we are something, i like you too ya know:)
-we should keep it lowkey though.
-so nobody is in our business.

i smile to my self. finally, no more stressing.

to jack
-sounds good:))
-wanna come over then, my dads not home...

from jack
-slow down there turbo, we've only been a thing for like barely 2 minuets and you're already trying to get in my pants??

i laugh and roll my eyes. he's so dirty.

to jack
-in your dreams!!!

soon he shows up and walks in my bedroom smiling with a package of halloween Oreos.

my favorite.

"mmm" i say winking and he smirks as i get up but i diss him and grab the oreos and he laughs as i take one out and eat it. "wow" he says shocked and lays down next to me.

i liked his presence. it's never really awkward between us. "i'm really glad you moved here" i say laying my head on his chest feeling his heart beat. i look up and him and i see him smiling which causes me to smile.


"me too" he says quietly as his smile grows bigger.

"were going to a party. a halloween themed one this weekend." he says winking. and i laugh. "a party? you know i can't hang" i say laughing even harder. "well that'a okay i'll be there to watch you" he says and i nod. "okay okay okay..."

i guess it's a good thing i can't drink a lot i probably will just end up drinking a little bit and then taking care of jacks drunk ass all night, he's like a big baby when he's drunk.

he pulls me on top of him to where i'm straddling him and he looks me in the eyes making my heart race. he has the most beautiful brown eyes.

there's brown eyes...but then there's his brown eyes. two completely different things.

i leave a soft kiss behind his ear and he smiles but then stops quickly once he catches him self.

whatta girl.

i stop and look at him and he flips us over leaving him with one hand on each side of my head as he towers over me. "you're beautiful bianca" he says as serious as ever. he makes me believe him when he says stuff that way.

our lips touch making me smile into the kiss as he deepens it and takes his shirt off. i run my hands over his abs as if i've never seen anything like them before. which i haven't, nate's were good but they're not his. jacks.

we start back up on the kissing and the door swings open and we both jump and unattach our lips revealing olivia with a shocked face but it soon fades off and becomes an 'i knew it' face.

"um i should go.." jack says awkwardly as he stands up and grabs his shirt and olivia glares at him on his way out making me laugh.

"whe" "we literally decided this about being something about15 minutes ago" i say interrupting her already knowing what she was going to say.

"don't tell anyone though, he wants it lowkey for a little bit." i say and she looks at me and laughs. "anyways what were you here for?" i say worried about her.

"it's nash.. he slept with his ex girl friend." she says with her voice cracking.

i know exactly how she feels...

"listen. he was not worth it. not one bit, there's way more guys out there for you liv. you're an amazing person and he's just shit." i say and she nods. "i know he was just perfect! we really had it going perfect everything was for the past month and now it's horrible." she says standing up and she starts to pace around.

"i want to punch him."

"no i want to punch her!" she corrects her self still pacing around. "how about we just take a nap" i suggest.

"i'm going to fight them. then we can take a nap" she says heading towards my door. i jump up quickly and hold her back until she just gives up and starts crying as she falls to the floor.

i hate seeing her like this.

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