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bianca's pov
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"what are you wearing?" my mom asks me as she walks in my room furrowing her eyebrows making me check my self out in the mirror again.

i look cute so who cares.

"what does it look like?" i say rolling my eyes. and apply some high lighter. "it looks like you're misbehaving and giving me attitude." she says and i laugh.

"congratulations" i mumble and begin to sarcastically clap. 

"what's gotten into you lately you look like a complete hoe!!" she asks with disappointment lacing her voice.

"it's halloween i have a free pass." i say with a small chuckle. i'd never think i'd be wearinh this, ever. wow.

"now you think this is funny?" she asks coming closer to me. i just shrug and grab my stuff and walk past her and head to the living room.

"by dad love you!" i say waving as i hear muffled yells coming from my mom upstairs and walk out the door into jacks car only to become slightly disappointed since i see sam and nate and johnson in there as well.

"wow babe you look hot" he says as i open up the back door, nate checks me out as he usually does and smirks. "rebecca let you out of the house in that?" he says with a slight scoff. "more like yelled at me as i walked out of the house" i reply and he shakes his head.

"you've gotten some balls." he says laughing and i shrug. "i'm just ready to get shit faced" i say throwing my head back and smiling and look over at sam to see he's looking at my chest. i point to my eyes and he nods and stops for a brief second and his eyes wonder back making me roll my eyes.

"i'm sorry they're just... there!" he says shrugging and jack laughs. "you only can get away with it tonight. only cause i'm in a good mood and well, i'd do the same if we're being honest" jack says and i furrow my eyebrows together.

what the hell

"well if he's going to stare at anything i'd rather it be my face than my chest." i say defending myself. jack knows how insecure i get when people stare at my face so i was hoping that he'd understand how i'm feeling right now..

i make a quick eye contact with jack in the mirror but he looks directly back at the road when our eyes meet.

what's wrong with him?

did i do something wrong.

"how about i just stare at both." sam suggests. and i scoff. "you're joking right. just don't look at me period." i say sternly and nate laughs. "she's probably just on her period." he adds after laughing. and jack joins in as everyone but johnson laughs

"damn i guess you won't be getting any of that tonight after all" sammy says and they all laugh some more.

i don't see why this is so funny. he's being a complete dick. he's not acting like the jack i was just hanging out with yesterday. it's making me frustrated.

when we arrive at the party we all go our separate ways except for me and jack. we stay behind in the car for a second.

"what the hell was that??" i ask as soon as all the other guys shut their door. "what do you mean?" he asks.

oh so you wanna DIE die okay.

"you know what the fuck i meant jack! that wasn't you. you know how i feel about people staring at me and you didn't do shit about it. i even gave you a hint that i'd rather him stare at my face and you know how much i hate that." i say wanting to cry. this relationship is already going to shit and it hasn't even been a week.

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