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Bianca's pov

"He came over for dinner?!" Olivia asked loudly as we pull up to the school. She tends to make things sound way more important and serious than they actually are, sometimes it's a good trait but other than that it usually ends up badly.

"Yes, he talked back to my mother though..which she definitely wasn't happy about. I received the longest speech over it when they left." I said with a sigh. They always take stuff to another level, I wish they would just take a break from this rich prototype lifestyle.

"Now that was a damn mistake" she says laughing. "I remember when I did that in 9th grade and I couldn't come over for almost a year" she says laughing. "Well he invited me to go to the mall Friday, but nate , sam and Johnson will be there" I say as we get out of my car. "So do you want to come?" I add and her face instantly drops. "You know I would bee but I have to watch my little cousin again" she says groaning.

Great that leaves me alone with all of the guys. Amazing and not to mention nate will be there. Fantastic


"Long time no see" jack says sarcastically as he takes a seat by me in physics. "Yeah I sooo missed you ya know" I say and he laughs. "Who wouldn't miss this" He says and flexes. I roll me eyes and laugh at his statement. "There's a few, one being me" I say and he does a dramatic gasp.

"Hey jack" Paige says flirty. She's our head cheerleader, also the reason I quit cheer she hates me and made my life a living hell.. "Oh hey piper" jack says awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Making me let out a small chuckle. "It's Paige, but we'll work on it" She says winking.

"I know I just really don't want to talk to you." He says taking me and 'piper' by surprise. "I'm excuse me?" She scoffs. I start laughing and she instantly glares at me. "Why are you even here bitch?" She asks rudely.

"No paige real question is why are you here. Clearly you're unwanted at the moment, so why don't you just do us all a favor and scidaddle." Olivia says taking a seat by in front of me and jack. Paige rolls her eyes and I laugh. "Damn I can't stand her" olivia says rolling her eyes.

"Oh jack this is my best friend Olivia" I say and he nods. He didn't get to attend any of his morning classes is was more of a tour until lunch time.

"Oh yeah you told me about her, you're pretty funny from what I've heard." He says and she smiles really big and doesn't talk. Great she's doing it again. She always freezes up when she doesn't know how to react with out seeming too happy or preppy.

"Yes, shes single by the way..." I say raising my eye brows up and down. "You know I have a single friend too... from my old school. His names nash I can give you his number if you'd like?" He says and I can sense her whole mood just dropped. She instantly stops smiling and then starts smiling again.

"Why not, what's he like?" She asks and they go into a whole conversation about this guy she's never met and I can sense she's already in love with him.

Filler chapter🤪🤪

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