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bianca's pov
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we make our ways down the stairwell and nate stops talking to mani and whistles making me blush. i blow him a kiss and glance over at jack. he wasn't looking at me. he was looking at grace the exact way he did the first time he saw me walk down these stairs. the first time he came over. the first dinner we ever had together and the very first time i had the slightest thought that he'd make a good boyfriend to someone one day.

"who's that?" grace whispers to me really low. and i mentally scoff. who does she. think she is. she doesn't even know him. they don't know eachother. they need to stop already.

"hi i'm jack." he says approaching her and making a quick glance my way before licking his lips and looking back at her. "you look beautiful, i forgot how much i loved these dinners." nate says bringing me back to reality that jack isn't mine anymore and that i'm with nate now.

"thank you baby" i say looking up and smiling at him as i place a hand on his chest. "hey" mani says awkwardly. i was so horrible to him that night. it bugs me. "i'm sorry" i say hugging him and he doesn't hesitate to hug back. "i actually wanted to say the same thing." he says and i smile into his chest.


"that's disgusting. they don't even know each other." i say to nate looking over at jack and grace making out across the yard. "ugh tell me about it" he says and smashes his lips on mine right after making me laugh and pull away. "you're so stupid" i say laughing and he smiles and kisses my nose. 

"i really need to get going. it's getting late" he says standing up. "already?" i ask and he gives me a pouting face. "already" he says nodding and i throw my head back. "ugh. okayyy." i say and stand up and kiss him. "goodnight ma" he says to me and i smile "goodnight" i say sitting back down as i watch him go back inside.

after a couple more minutes of hearing jack and grace still making out her dad finally calls her in to say goodbye. "it was really nice meeting you" jack says to her while scratching the back of his neck with a smirk on his face and she smiles back and waves at him as she walks inside.

"it was really nice meeting you" i say mocking jack and he laughs. "what" he asks confused. "nothing i just find it weird that you both literally just met 2 hours ago and you guys were basically having sex with your clothes on." i say shrugging and looking back at my phone.

"really? well i find it weird that not even hours after we break up your back with nate? something sure is fishy about that." he states clearly getting upset. i probably shouldn't have said that. "i never cheated on you. i'd never do that to you." i say looking up at him and he laughs. "not so sure about that. we were still together when you two were all lovey dovey on the couch at that party. i'm not exactly sure what happened between you two but flirting is cheating. remember that talk we had about how much we hate cheaters." he said sitting down across from me.

"i never flirted with him jack. not once. why are you acting like i'm the one at fault here after what you said to your friend cameron about me. if anything this whole ordeal is your fault. i had no play in that." i say with my voice cracking at the end. "every word that came out of your mouth hurt me when i listened to that conversation. nate was just there for me after. i broke up with you then he called someone to pick us up and i offered him to come in and stay the night because of his dad. we went inside and we went straight to sleep. we went for breakfast and the topic of me and him came up. nothing happened when me and you were together." i say standing up as i explained everything trying to get it through his head.

"promise?" he asked me and i nodded. "i don't have the heart to do that to anyone. i'm too kind to put someone through that." i say and he kisses me. i instantly push him off of me.

"i'm with nate jack." i say walking away from him and into the house.

from jack
i'm sorry i kissed you. i won't bring it up to anyone. i crossed a line and ive got to try and deal with the fact that your his now. i respect it now tho.

to jack
thank you for understanding.

i shut off my phone and lay down unable to sleep after everything that went down tonight.

mani and i are good now. it's still kind of patchy and rough but we'll have to work through that but jack and i, that's a whole different story.

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