A/N *200+ reads?!?!?*

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Dear Reader,

Guys,you are insane.Thank you,soo much,for over two hundred reads.This is INSANE.I didn't know my story was this popular.I literally am freaking out.

It's about half past one AM right now.You are so lucky I have insomnia or this wouldn't be written so early.I probably would have anyway,TBH.

But anyways,I'm so happy right now.You don't know how long I have been depressed so being happy is kind of new to me.Scary feelings.I like the fuzzy warm feeling.

But I'm coming up with a random special off the top of my head.How about insanity?Yeah,why not.

Anyways,thank you so much.You have no idea how happy this makes me.It's super exciting and I love it.

I hope you guys enjoy!I know I enjoyed writing it.I tried to add as much horror and cliff hangyness in this. (You know I'm tired when I make up words).

Love you all.Again,thank you so much.You're an amazing unicorn.Wait,your a duck?!I'm so sorry.



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