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I watched as tears dripped from Tim's cheeks.I wipe them away with a sad smile.

"Thanks Silvia," he whispers,taking my hand. "I really love you."

"I love you too," I whisper.I kiss his cheek and snuggle close to him as he wraps an arm around me.We pull into the Creepypasta driveway and he lets go of me,climbing out of the car.

I climb the steps up to my room and close the door.I lay down on my bed staring up at the roof.Death was an overwhelming topic these past days.There's a knock at my door and I open it.

Masky stood there.I called him Tim now,seeing as it was more comforting.I beckon him into my room and he sits at the edge of my bed.I close the door and sit next to him.He takes my hand in his and intertwines our fingers.

"Thanks for being there for me these days," I smile sadly at him.

"Of course," he grins. "Anything for you." He places his free hand on my cheek and stares at me with that grin.He plants his lips onto mine,kissing me passionately.I kiss back happily.When we pull away,he has a small lipstick smudge on his lips.

"You got a little," I laugh,pointing at the lipstick.He wipes it off,laughing with me.

"I love you,Silvia Slender," he declares with the biggest smile.

"I love you too,Tim Masky," I grin widely.I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.He gives me hope.


We walk downstairs hand in hand.Dad looks at us with a sad smile?Hell,I've been his daughter HOW long and I still can't tell his facial expressions. "If you MUST date him," he complains,chuckling lightly.

"Thank you dad," I sing,kissing his cheek.Tim and I walk into the kitchen and grab muffins.Man did I love him.

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