Chapter Thirteen

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Y/N headed back towards the bridge to assist the others now that the situation underneath had been handled. She rejoined the team and stole one of the Chitauri rifles, using it to take down several soldiers. But the soldiers were overpowering and outnumbering the team, that is until lightning struck down from above.

Thor channeled the blast, firing the electricity at all the Chitauri soldiers around them. They're blasted out with a shockwave, dropping dead around the team as Thor touched down.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked.

Thor shook his head, "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable."

"Thor is right," Tony confirmed over the comms. "We gotta deal with these guys."

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked.

"As a team," Steve answered.

"I have unfinished business with Loki," Thor added.

Clint smirked, messing with one of his arrows, "Yeah, get in line."

"Save it," Steve interrupted. "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us-"

Steve was interrupted by Banner arriving on a small motorbike. He slowly got off and approached the team, looking around at the destruction on his way. "So, this all seems horrible," he stated.

"I've seen worse," Natasha said.

"Sorry," Bruce replied.

"No," Nat interjected. "We could use a little worse."

"Stark," Y/N called out, "We got him."

"Banner?" Tony asked for confirmation.

"Just like you said," Steve added.

Tony began heading back towards the bridge, "Tell him to suit up," he instructed. "I'm bringing the party to you."

Everyone looked and saw Iron Man come out from behind a building, a Chitauri Leviathan following him impatiently. The rest of the Avengers on the bridge took a fighting stance, ready for action.

"I-I don't see how that's a party," Y/N commented.

Iron Man swooped down into the street, the Leviathan barreled into the street after him like a freight train, building and building in intensity. Banner turned to look at the team before heading towards the Leviathan.

"Dr. Banner now might be a really good time for you to get angry," Steve suggested.

Banner turned, "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry," he said as he body began to swell and turn a dark green color.

Hulk attacked the Leviathan and pushed its nose into the ground. The entire thing did a full 360-degree flip on the bridge. Iron Man proceeded to fire a rocket causing the entire Leviathan to blow completely away.

Cap raised his shield to block himself and Y/N from some of the debris.

From above the buildings, the Chitauri army watched in horror as the group of Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat. To fight the foes that no one single superhero could withstand, the Avengers assembled.

From Stark Tower Loki watched, motionless. "Send the rest," he commanded calmly.

Through the vastness of space, several more Chitauri Leviathans fly out of the portal. On the bridge the Avengers look up, feeling completely out of their element.

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