Chapter One Hundred Twelve

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Time continued to pass and everyone slowly became accustomed to their new lives on the run, living in the shadows. The bunker had become home, and the runaway heroes had become closer than ever.

News outlets across the world had labeled them as war criminals, that maybe the Avengers weren't the heroes everyone thought they were. Perhaps the age of the Avengers was over, it was time for something new.

Steve and the others had been on countless missions all across the world. Each time one mission ended another placed itself in their laps, it was a never-ending cycle.

Y/N had been fast asleep in Steve's arms when his alarm woke both of them. Steve quickly turned his alarm off, he looked to his side and saw Y/N happily nuzzled into him. Steve tried to slip out of Y/N's grasp only to have her pull him closer.

Steve quietly laid down on his back once more, "Y/N," he said softly so as to not disturb her. "I've gotta go."

Y/N groaned, opening her eyes and seeing the time. It was 4:30 in the morning, "Five more minutes," she told Steve.

Steve smiled slightly as he wrapped his arms back around Y/N as she snuggled into his side, "I have a mission with Sam," he reminded Y/N.

Y/N turned slightly and rested her chin against Steve's chest as she looked up and met his eyes, "I know, but you always show up and hour early and Sam is always an hour late, without fail. So what are five more minutes with your wife going to hurt?" she wondered.

Steve gave in as he brushed Y/N's hair out of her face, "Fair enough, five more minutes it is," he agreed.

Y/N smiled as she draped her arm across Steve's waist. "You've been running so many missions, I feel like I barely see you anymore."

"I know," Steve said with a sigh. "I'm sorry about that, if it's any consolation, I have the next five minutes just for you," he said closing the distance between them as his lips met hers.

Y/N gladly returned the kiss, "Five minutes is better than nothing," she mentioned.

Steve let out a soft laugh, "You know, you could always join me," he offered.

Y/N shook her head, "I don't think so. I just got back from a mission last night, and I certainly don't plan to go on another one so soon."

Steve sighed softly as he understood what Y/N was getting at. He had been running missions back to back for weeks now, he barely spent time at the bunker anymore. "Message received," he said softly.

Y/N nodded slightly as Steve finally realized how she was feeling, "I miss you being around here," she told Steve as her fingers danced across his chest.

Steve reached out and gently cupped Y/N's cheek in his palm, his thumb brushing gently over her skin. "Tell you what, after this mission, why don't we just spend a few days here, relaxing?" he suggested.

Y/N smiled at the thought, "That would be nice."

"Yeah?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," Y/N replied with a nod as she leaned in and kissed Steve.

Steve pulled back reluctantly after a moment, "It's been well over five minutes," he mentioned with a smile.

Y/N laughed, "I know, but you weren't complaining a minute ago," she reminded Steve as she pressed her lips against his once more.

Steve pulled Y/N closer as their legs quickly became entangled under the blankets. Y/N smiled against Steve's lips before he pulled back slowly.

"I really should be going," he told Y/N.

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