Chapter One Hundred-Two

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Y/N was lying there on the ground, cold and shivering. She was helpless...her body went numb as she was thrown back into one of her memories, but it felt so real for her...


Y/N had tears in her eyes as she gazed into Steve's eyes. Steve held her close as the plane hit the water. But even he wasn't strong enough to keep a grip on her. Y/N was tossed towards the back of the plane.

She was overwhelmed by the water rushing over her body. Cold, that was all Y/N could feel as the water around her slowly began freezing. The impact from the forced crash landing had tossed both supersoldiers around and trapped them under debris.

Y/N felt the water filling her lungs as she struggled to hold on. Steve could see Y/N just barely, he wanted nothing more than to take her out of this place and give her the life she deserved. He never wanted this for her...

Y/N knew that this was the end of the line. She and Steve were in the middle of nowhere, an endless icy space surrounded them in every direction. By bringing the plane down they had effectively ended the war. Both soldiers had done what they were created to do. There was no more need for them. Their mission was complete.

Captain America and his counterpart later to be named Miss America were done, however Steve Rogers and Y/N Y/L/N were anything but done. They had saved thousands of lives, but in doing so, they never got to live theirs.

NEW YORK - 2012

Y/N slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the room around her. Her head was pounding as she sat up slowly, Y/N looked around and saw a room that looked vaguely familiar to a hospital room, but something was different.

Y/N didn't know how this was possible, the last thing she remembered was crashing the plane, Steve right by her side as she did so...

As Y/N took in her surroundings she saw the New York skyline outside the window, but it seemed different, it seemed wrong... She then heard the baseball game on the radio, it sounded all too familiar, that was because she had been to that game in person, with Steve and Bucky...

Y/N immediately became more alert, she saw a dinner tray beside the bed, the food cold. She grabbed the steak knife off of it as she heard the knob on the door turn. She stood up and hid the knife behind her back as a young woman entered the room.

"Good morning Agent Y/L/N, or should I say good afternoon," she joked as she checked her watch, a fake smile plastered on her face.

Y/N remained serious. "Where am I?" she questioned.

"A recovery room in New York," the woman replied with a smile, one Y/N did not return.

Y/N glanced around the room, noticing slight imperfections, "Where am I really?" Y/N asked, her voice harsh.

The woman furrowed her brows, "I'm not sure I understand the question."

"This," Y/N said gesturing around the room, "This isn't real..."

"Why of course this is real," the woman replied.

"No," Y/N said shaking her head. "It isn't. I'm only going to ask you one more time, who are you?" she questioned with a serious tone.

The woman secretly pushed a panic button behind her back, but Y/N noticed. She lunged forward and wrapped her arm around the woman's throat, the knife to her neck as Nick Fury and two armed tactical agents stormed into the room, their guns aimed at Y/N.

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