Chapter One Hundred Eighteen

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Over the next few days, Y/N was slowly starting to get better, though she was nowhere near being back to one-hundred percent just yet.

Currently, Y/N was fast asleep against Steve, her headed rested gently against his chest while her body was snuggled into his side. Steve had one arm around her while he was busy searching through the files she had downloaded from the Hydra base before it collapsed.

Steve was pulled from his work when he heard Bucky enter the room, Steve put a finger to his lips, a sign for Bucky to be quiet.

Bucky smiled slightly at Y/N's relaxed state. "The doctor forgot to give these back," Bucky said holding up Y/N's two necklaces. One was the ring he gave her on a chain, the other was her dog tags from the forties.

Steve smiled as he took the necklaces from him, "Thanks, Buck."

Bucky shrugged, "It's not a problem. If I'm being honest, I'm surprised she kept the ring."

"I'm not," Steve said shaking his head. "You didn't see her when I had to tell her that you were gone. When I got back from that mission we were both a mess, that ring was one of the last pieces she had of you."

"It's good that you two had each other," Bucky added.

"You know the offer for you to come with us still stands," Steve reminded him. "There's plenty of extra room for you at the bunker."

Bucky shook his head, "I took a step back from that life, villain or hero it's all the same. I'm happy where I am, I finally feel like myself again."

Steve nodded, "I respect that. It hasn't always been easy," he said looking down at Y/N. "Sometimes I wish we could go back to the way things were before the team split up."

"Does Y/N want that?" Bucky wondered.

Steve shrugged, "Sometimes I think she does. In truth, I think part of her wants to go back, while the other part knows that we can't."

"But she's happy, with you," Bucky told Steve. "The way she has made it through the team splitting up, being on the run, all of this, has been you, Steve.  You are her whole world, you're the reason that she's okay."

Steve smiled slightly, his gaze shifting down to Y/N. "Sometimes I think she forgets that she's my whole world too," Steve replied.

Hours later, Bucky had left, yet Steve stayed by Y/N's side, patiently waiting for her to wake up. Y/N slowly fluttered her eyes open, she looked up and saw Steve, his focus directed on the files they had managed to download from the Hydra base.

Y/N smirked at how his brows furrowed when he was working, however, Steve's expression immediately softened when he looked down and saw Y/N gazing up at him.

"Look who's awake," Steve said as Y/N stifled a yawn.

She smirked, "How long have you been analyzing those files?" she asked.

Steve shrugged, "Not long," he replied as Y/N sat up, his arm still wrapped snugly around her.

"And that really means that you have been at it for hours," Y/N corrected as she took the tablet with the files away from Steve. "Why don't you get some rest?" she suggested.

Steve shook his head, "I'm fine, besides I wanted to stay here with you."

Y/N smiled at how sweet Steve always was, "Steve Rogers you are too good to me."

Steve smiled as he pulled Y/N closer and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Steve pulled back reluctantly, "I have these for you," he said pulling her necklace and dog tags out of his pocket. "Bucky brought them by a little while ago."

"I'll have to thank him next time I see him," Y/N said as Steve put both of them around her neck.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Better," Y/N replied. "Though I'd feel a lot better knowing that my husband was getting some rest too," she mentioned.

"I assure you, I am fine," he told Y/N. His hand holding hers as he gently played with her fingers. "I just want to make sure you are too."

Y/N rested her head against Steve's shoulder. "I'll be fine as long as I have you," she told him. "I love you."

Steve leaned down and kissed Y/N, "I love you too," he murmured against her lips.


A week later, Y/N was finally ready to leave Wakanda and get back to the bunker. She was happy to be heading home, Sam and Natasha had gone back a few days before, meanwhile, Steve stayed behind with Y/N.

Steve was helping Y/N take her first few steps. Her leg was still injured and in a brace, but it was healing, though not as fast as she would like it to.

"Take it easy," Steve cautioned as she stood up.

Y/N winced in pain slightly as she put weight on her injured leg. Steve was right beside her, one of his arms wrapped tight around her waist while his hand held hers to help steady her balance.

"I've got it," Y/N said as she took a few steps. Steve remained by Y/N's side as he helped her get to the quinjet.

As Y/N sat down on the jet she saw Bucky walking towards her. "I don't suppose you're coming with us, are you?" Y/N asked as Bucky came to a stop in front of her.

"Sadly, no," he replied. "I just came to say goodbye."

Y/N stood up slowly and hugged Bucky, "I'm gonna miss you, Buck," she told him.

Bucky smiled as he hugged Y/N tightly, "I'll miss you too," he told her before pulling back. "If Steve ever gets too annoying, just let me know and I'll stop by to knock some sense into him," he joked.

Y/N let out a small laugh, "I might have to take you up on that," she replied.

"And here I was thinking that you liked me," Steve said to Y/N as he walked towards the pair.

Y/N shook her head playfully, "I don't think I like you, I think I love you," she said as Steve wrapped his arm around her.

"Good, because I think I love you too," he told her. "You finally coming with us?" Steve asked, shifting his attention to Bucky.

Bucky shook his head, "You wish," he told Steve.

Steve smiled as he hugged his friend, "Just don't do anything too stupid while we're gone," he teased.

"How can I?" Bucky wondered. "You're taking all the stupid with you."

"That's enough of that," Y/N cut in. "Goodbye, Bucky."

"Goodbye," He told both of them. "Be careful," he added as he left the quinjet.

Steve closed the ramp of the jet before he set the coordinates for the bunker, the jet already set in autopilot as it lifted off the ground.

"You ready to go home?" Steve asked Y/N as she joined him in the cockpit of the jet.

Y/N shrugged as she sat down beside Steve, "As ready as I can be, hopefully, Sam has messed anything up too badly," she joked.

Steve laughed, "I'm glad to see that you're acting like yourself again," he mentioned.

"It sounds ironic, but seeing Bucky, and finally finding a way to end Hydra once and for all. It makes me feel like maybe the world has some good left in it," she explained. "It was hard at first, but this is finally starting to feel right."

Steve turned and smiled at Y/N as her eyes met his own. "I love much..."

"I love you too..."

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