Chapter One Hundred Twenty

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Days slowly turned into weeks and Y/N was still cooped up in the bunker, she was growing restless. Without the constant training and missions to distract her, she quickly became bored. She often found herself stuck at the bunker all alone while everyone else was running missions without her.

Today was different though, Steve was at the bunker while Sam and Natasha were busy on a week-long mission in Austria.

Y/N had been begging Steve all day to finally let her train, and every time Steve quickly turned down her requests, he wanted her to focus on healing, not training.

"Please?" Y/N asked once again.

Steve shook his head, "The answer is still no, Y/N, why are you so hell-bent on doing this?"

"Why are you so hell-bent on me not doing this?" she countered. Y/N was met by a cold gaze from Steve, she knew that he wanted a better answer than the one she had given him. "Fine, maybe it is because I have been stuck in a bed for weeks, Steve, that's why," Y/N told him.

Steve sighed, he pondered the thought for a moment but still came to the same conclusion, "No..."

Y/N smirked, she had an idea, "What if I make my famous spaghetti tomorrow for dinner?" she suggested.

"You know better than anyone that Sam eats almost all of it before anyone else can even get a chance," Steve reminded her.

"Sam and Natasha are on a mission, they won't be back for at least three more days, Wanda and Vision are still off on their own, so it's just you and me," Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around Steve's middle as she tried to persuade him. "We could do whatever you want," she added.

Steve smiled slightly at Y/N's persistence, his arms wrapped loosely around her waist. "Okay fine," he agreed.

Y/N smiled brightly as she raced Steve to the gym inside the bunker.

Steve was happy to see Y/N so excited about something, he smiled contently to himself as he wrapped her hands before Y/N did the same for him.

Steve started off slow, clearly not wanting to push any of Y/N's limits, though Y/N had a different plan in mind. She stuck with Steve's slower pace for a few minutes before she knocked him back and nearly to the ground.

Y/N smirked as Steve regained his footing, "Are you sure we should be doing this?" he asked.

Y/N nodded, "Yeah, why not? Are you afraid I'm gonna kick your ass, Rogers?" she playfully teased.

Steve let out a soft laugh, "Other way around," he replied.

Y/N shook her head as she lunged towards Steve, he quickly blocked her strike and pushed Y/N back, but Y/N could tell that Steve was pulling his punches as time went on.

Y/N took a step back and lowered her hands, "Okay stop," she told him.

Steve furrowed his brows in confusion, "Stop what?" he asked.

Y/N sighed, "You know that I know you're pulling your punches...stop taking it easy on me."

Steve hesitated for a moment, "If you insist," he said as he lunged forward.

Y/N moved to punch Steve, but he quickly put her on the ground, Y/N saw her opportunity and she took it, not seeing the danger in what she was about to do.

Y/N proceeded to sweep Steve's legs out from beneath him, however, she attempted that move with her left leg, her previously injured leg. She miscalculated how much force it would take to knock Steve off his balance, a mistake she would soon regret.

The move ended with Steve on the ground and Y/N clutching her leg in pain as she laid on the ground.

Steve smiled, unaware that Y/N was hurt as he gazed up at the ceiling. "How do you always manage to win?" He wondered.

Y/N whimpered in pain, "I'm not so sure that I did," she cut in.

Steve instantly rose to his knees by Y/N's side. "Are you okay, how bad does it hurt?" He asked as he tried to look at her leg.

But Y/N kept her leg tucked to her chest, "It doesn't feel good," she answered.

Steve sighed softly, "I know, just let me take a look," he said as he positioned Y/N so that she was laying on her back before he extended her leg.

Y/N grimaced, "Please tell me you're done."

"Not even close," Steve told her. "I think you might have done too much too soon," he mentioned. "Your leg was stiff and weak from you not using it the past couple weeks, it probably wasn't ready to train just yet."

Y/N sighed, "Great," she muttered.

"I hate to be that person, but I did warn you-"

"Please don't say I told you so," Y/N interrupted.

Steve paused for a moment, he knew Y/N was in pain. He also knew that she had been cooped up in the bunker for weeks, this was her first chance to be a little free for the first time in what seemed like a long time, and now it had ended like this.

"If it's any consolation, I don't think anything is majorly hurt," he added.

Y/N nodded, "Right, I'm just not ready yet," she said with a slight sense of annoyance in her tone as she sat up on her elbows.

Steve slowly began massaging Y/N's leg, he had been through enough injuries before to know how badly they can hurt, he knew that this would help her.

Y/N smiled slightly at Steve's warm touch, "What are you doing?" she asked softly. 

Steve smirked as he worked his way up Y/N's leg before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers, "Hopefully making you feel better," he told her as he pulled back slightly.

Y/N happily met Steve's eyes in a gaze as his hands continued to soothe her sore muscles.

"Is it working?" he asked.

Y/N nodded as she met Steve with another kiss. "Definitely."

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