Chapter One Hundred-One

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Y/N turned hesitantly, "Tony," she said in a pleading tone. "You can end doesn't have to be like this," she told him.

Even behind the mask Y/N could tell that Tony was hurting, "You always protected Steve, and now you protect Bucky?" he questioned. "That man is a murderer...and you'll pay the price just like he will if you don't get out of my way," he warned with a stern tone.

She sighed, knowing that she didn't have any other choice. Y/N put her fists up in a fighting stance, "Hit me with your best shot," she challenged.

Tony made the first move, swinging and missing as Y/N hit him down to the ground, only to have Tony pull her down as well. He pinned her beneath him, but not for long as Y/N slipped out of his grasp and made her way back to her feet. Tony didn't hesitate to fire a repulsor blast at Y/N, sending her flying back into a concrete wall.

Y/N dropped to her knees, but Tony was relentless, he fired her with a repulsor blast two more times before pausing. He walked over and punched her hard across the face. She looked up with weary eyes before fighting back, Y/N did every move she knew. She was finally able to kick Tony back, but again, he just fired another repulsor blast at her, something she couldn't avoid, something that hurt like hell.

Y/N's suit was torn and bloody, her face bruised. She looked up at Tony, "Please," she begged him.

Tony didn't even hear her words, his vision was red, his anger boiling inside of him as he punched her time after time. He slammed her back into the concrete wall, making a crack in the wall as he did so. Y/N felt an earth-shattering pain in her back, it was nearly unbearable.

She gripped onto Tony's arm as he hoisted her up by her neck, "Tony...this isn't you," she choked out. Her vision began to blur, dotted with black spots.

Tony had his repulsor charged and aimed right at her, he dropped her to the ground. Y/N fell to her knees instantly, she was too weak to stand, she coughed and wheezed for air. Tony heard Friday's voice in his ear, but he didn't care what she was saying.

"Boss, another repulsor blast could be fatal," Friday warned again and again.

But Tony fired anyway...Time seemed to stop for a moment, Y/N saw the blast coming towards her, the sound deafening in her ears. But still, she knew she couldn't avoid it, that maybe this was inevitable...

Y/N was sent back into the wall again, this time she fell to the ground, laying there, unmoving. Tony's expression immediately dropped, a stunned expression on his face as he removed his Iron Man mask. His blood ran cold as he realized what he just did. He felt immense regret and remorse, then Steve ran in, he saw Y/N...her bloodied and motionless form.

Steve grew tense, he charged Tony, not holding anything back as he gave it everything he had. Tony pulled his mask back on as he fought against Steve. Bucky ran in and froze when he saw Y/N, but he knew who was responsible, he too joined the fight with Steve against Tony. They fought well together as a team, like a well-oiled machine, as if they were one.

Bucky only stopped when he tried to rip Tony's arc reactor from his chest, a feat that destroyed his vibranium arm entirely, Bucky was sent back by Tony before Steve stepped in. Steve was relentless, putting hit after hit on Tony. That's when Friday deployed countermeasures, countermeasures that quickly had Steve beat, but only for a moment.

Steve took a brutal attack, Y/N weakly opened her eyes, the pain spreading throughout her body like a wildfire, it was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She just barely turned her head and saw Tony blast Steve's shield out of his hands. Y/N wanted to scream for it all to end, but she couldn't, memories flashed through her mind, all the happy moments she had with Steve and her friends, but glimpses of her current situation poured in as well.

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