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"So you say I'm complicated, that I must be outta my mind. But you had me underrated"

For a brief moment, no one said anything. No one dared to move; they just stood and stared. Every possible thought of how terribly this situation could go was flying through Lola's mind. But before long, cheering and clapping erupted from the room. Lola was in a state of shock; no one was angry, in fact, they were overjoyed at the return of their Princess.

Lola's smile widened as Tall Boy came up to hug her and she made her way towards the bar. Serpents would pat her on the back as she passed and she was filled with happiness; she was home. She sat at the bar in front of Toni, who was completely shocked.

"You're Blake Carter's daughter?" she questioned. It was clear to Lola that Toni had heard rumors of her but she never guessed it would be Lola. "The one and only" Lola smirked. It felt good to be back. "That explains a lot. I knew there was a reason why I liked you."

Lola smiled at the girl, remembering her first day at Southside High when she realised that she was going to like Toni too. "Also you're fashion sense is on point. What happened to the prissy Northsider clothes?" Toni questioned, causing Lola to chuckle. "This is what I used to wear before I was sent to Riverdale High. But there, I had to blend in and I don't think this is the outfit to do it" she replied, gesturing towards her clothes. "Well, you better let me borrow those sometime" Toni stated.

Lola couldn't help but laugh at this and watched as Toni poured her a shot of something. She was about to say something in return when she noticed Toni looking at the door behind her. "He looks pissed" she mumbled. Lola's eyebrows furrowed in confusion before she turned and saw Serpent Boy with Fogarty at the door. When he saw her watching, he smirked and walked over to her and Toni.

"Don't tell me you did the Serpent Dance and I missed it. Now that is something I would've wanted to see" he said while leaning on the bar beside her. Lola smirked; the tall Serpent still had no idea who she was. "Well, I did. But I'm afraid it was a long time ago. Probably before you were even a Serpent" she retorted, knowing he would be confused.

Before Serpent Boy could ask more questions, Toni cut in. "Sweet Pea, meet Lola Carter. Daughter of Blake Carter." So that's what his name was. Lola never would've guessed. She downed the shot Toni poured her and slammed the glass on the bar before smiling at Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea's eyes widened in a look that Lola couldn't decipher. Shock? Amazement? Fear? Maybe it was all three. "The Grim Reaper?" he questioned. Lola laughed, not having realised the younger Serpents would know him by that. "People still call him that? But yeah, that's me" she stated.

Sweet Pea shook his head in amazement but didn't say anything more.  "So tell me, why did you and Fangs look so pissed when you walked in?" Toni questioned. Fangs? Lola guessed that was Fogarty's nickname. At the mention of this, anger flooded over Sweet Pea's face again and his dark brown eyes turned a shade close to black.

"We caught some Northsider tagging our turf. Said it was for the Black Hood. We confronted him and he pulled out a gun, started waving it in our faces" Sweet Pea stated. "He can't get away with that." Lola thought for a minute. Maybe it was time to prove she was still a Serpent.

"So don't let him" Lola replied simply. Toni and Sweet Pea looked at the girl in confusion. She rolled her eyes and continued. "I'm serious. Tomorrow night get a bunch of Serpents and go to the Northsider's house. Don't jump him or else Sheriff Keller will show up. Challenge him to a fight and make sure he doesn't bring his gun. I'll even go with you if you want."

Sweet Pea smirked at the girl. He had heard rumors of the Serpent Princess but after finding out it was Lola, he didn't think they'd be true. She had just proved him wrong. "You're a feisty one aren't you?" he smirked. Lola noticed he did this a lot, but she had never once seen him smile properly. "You better believe it" she retorted.

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