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"You got a bad reputation in my neighbourhood. You drive me mad with temptation 'cause it tastes so good. You know I wouldn't walk away even if I could. It took one night, one try. Damn, I'm hooked"

Lola's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight flooded her room through the curtains. She groaned while turning over to look at her clock. It wasn't early but she was exhausted. That's when the memories flooded back in from the night before. Penny Peabody was her mother.

Dragging herself out of bed, Lola made her way towards the bathroom. She figured her dad was either asleep or at the White Wyrm; the two hadn't speant Christmas morning together in many years. Her body ached from all the tears that were shed, but the  pumping hot water on her back from the shower eased it slightly.

Lola knew she was going to go to Jughead's trailer later, meaning she had to put on regular clothes rather than staying in her oversized hoodie and shorts.  As she trudged back to her room, she couldn't help but feel lonely. She usually speant Christmas alone, but this time it felt different.

In order to pass the time, Lola decided to sketch in her notebook; she hadn't done so in a while. Most of her drawings were on the morbid side, however they had been happier ever since she met the Serpents, specifically Sweet Pea.

Today was different. Lola looked at the three wrapped gifts in front of her. There was one for her dad, one for Jughead and one for Sweet Pea. The loneliness seemed to consume her as she began to draw the outline of a skull.

Lola was so engrossed by her drawing that she didn't notice the fumbling outside her door. It was only when it opened that she looked up. Her eyes met with those of her dad's and confusion overtook her. "Hey kid. Why aren't you downstairs? It's Christmas, I need to give you your present" he said, smiling brightly at her.

Lola was shocked that her dad wanted to spend Christmas with her; the last time they were togther on Christmas was before she was taken out of the Serpents. Now that the air had been cleared and Penny was gone, it was like a massive strain had been lifted off of there relationship.

"Give me a second to get ready, I'll be down soon" Lola answered, smiling equally as bright. Her dad nodded as he closed the door and his heavy footsteps could be heard on the old wooden stairs.

Lola turned back to her desk, still slightly surprised. She looked down at her sketch and frowned. Instead of finishing it, she ripped out the page and crumpled it into a ball, throwing it into the bin. She grabbed the small parcel that contained her dad's present and went down the stairs.

Despite the fact that her relationship with her dad hadn't been the best lately, she had still gotten him a present. She had put a lot of thought into it too; she did that every year. Christmas gifts were almost like peace offerings in the Carter Household.

Lola plopped down on the couch beside her dad, giving him a quick side hug. It was clear to both of them how special this moment was. Their relationship was finally getting back on track. Her dad smiled at her while pulling a gift out from behind his back. Lola grinned back as she took it off him and began tearing the paper surrounding it.

As Lola stared down at what lay in her lap, she could feel tears building up in the corners of her eyes. She looked up at her dad and hugged him tightly, not saying a word yet not needing to. The joy was written all over her face.

Usually her dad got her new art supplies or even clothes, but this was the most thoughtful thing he had ever gotten her. Laying on her lap, was a new black motorcycle helmet. The Serpent logo adorned the top and, engraved in the back, were Lola's initials.

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