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"What's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? What's gonna be left of the world? Oh. Every minute and every hour, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more. Every stumble and each misfire, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more"

It had been a few days since the protest at the school and Lola, for the first time ages, hadn't been doing much. It was like the world had decided to give her a much needed break.

There was a constant worry in the back of her mind, whether it was about Jughead, Archie, Hiram Lodge or just Riverdale in general, but she managed to suppress each one for a few days.

Lola had even gotten a spark of creativity. She hadn't been drawing much lately, partly because she didn't have the time but also because she had absolutely no inspiration. This changed over her little escape from reality. Lola drew more in the last few days than she thought was possible.

The pictures varied greatly; some were portraits of her friends, others were landscapes of places she knew or places she envisioned while others were simply random ideas that would brush over her mind.

She hadn't seen many people during this time, instead locking herself away to focus. Toni and Jughead had called and texted many times trying to get her to leave the house but to no avail. Sweet Pea, however, did manage to drag her outside on one day. He had an advantage though, Lola was so helplessly in love with him that she couldn't say no.

He didn't even really have anything planned for them to do; he thought she would have said no like she did to everyone else. Lola had begged for him to take her to Pop's so she could have her favourite milkshake, but he refused to do anything indoors since she had been cooped up inside for so long.

In the end, the two ended up going to the quarry. Surprisingly, there was no one else there. Usually there were other people their age or at least other Serpents there. Of course, Sweet Pea being a stereotypical teenage boy, came up with an idea once he realised this: skinnydipping.

That is how Lola ended up naked in Sweetwater River in the middle of the day. It took a lot of convincing but in the end, Lola just couldn't resist the pleading brown eyes of her Serpent Boy. She was nervous at first, afraid someone would appear and catch them, but she ended up having a great time.

Now, her break was slowly coming to an end, although she wasn't aware of it quite yet. Deciding it was time to re-enter the world, Lola went with Sweet Pea to see the school musical: Carrie.

"I'm gonna go back stage to say good luck, save me a seat?" Lola whispered. The tall Serpent beside her nodded while giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. They then parted ways as Lola made her way towards the stage.

She wasn't really sure who was playing which part or who was even in it after being so disconnected, but she did know that Jughead was documenting it, so she decided to look for him first. She had no clue where anyone would be so, naturally, Lola began opening random dressing room doors to see who she could find.

What Lola was nt expecting, however, was to open a door to Fangs making out with a girl, that girl being none other than Midge Klump.

"What the hell?" Lola exclaimed, unable to believe what she was seeing. Usually she wouldn't care who her friends made out with or dated, but Midge had a boyfriend who happened to be a Bulldog.

The two teenagers sprang apart instantly at the sound of Lola's voice. "Lola! What are you doing here?" Fangs asked anxiously, clearly uncomfortable.

"I think I should be asking what you two are doing here" Lola stated, raising an accusatory eyebrow at them. This caused Midge to flush a deep shade of red and Fnags to back away a little.

"You can't tell anyone" Fangs rushed, his eyes pleading with Lola's. "You know how much trouble this would cause." Midge was now awkwardly staring at the floor, wishing it would swallow her up. Lola didn't know what to do in this situation; Fangs was right about the trouble it would cause, but he needed to stop.

"You have to stop this. Now. Before anyone gets hurt. You know the backlash wouldn't just fall on you. You're a Serpent, that means it falls on all of us" Lola stated firmly. She hoped she was getting through to Fangs; this situation was destined to implode. Fangs fell silent, knowing Lola was right but not wanting to accept it.

Before any more could be said on the topic, the door to the dressing room swung open to reveal Kevin accompanied by Jughead. "Fangs! Lola?" he said, relieved to have found Fangs but also questioning why the two of them were in Midge's dressing room.

"We were giving Midge some last minute notes" Lola smoothly covered. Fangs shot her a grateful look which she returned with a glare. She hated lying but she knew she had to cover for them.

"Well hurry up because it's ten minutes to places" Kevin rushed, clearly too flustered and anxious to question her answer. Lola shot the pair a warning glance, signalling at them to end it, before leaving and returning to her seat.

When she found Sweet Pea, she only smiled tightly at him. Her mind was far from where she was, it was back in the dressing room with Fangs and Midge.

Sweet Pea could easily tell that something was off with Lola. However, he knew her well enough to know that this was a time where she didn't need to be questioned. Instead, he placed a hand on her lower thigh and squeezed it for reassurance.

Soon, Alice Cooper appeared on stage singing. Lola almost snorted when she saw her, not having expected to see anyone other than students on the stage. However, it was then that Lola's little world of solitude came crashing down as the backdrop raised.

Everyone remained still and slowly, mumbles of confusion could be heard. No one seemed to be sure if this was real. We're they seeing things? Was this part of the musical? Or was this what they all hoped it wasn't?

"For God's sakes help her!" Cheryl yelled. With a scream from Alice Cooper, all he'll broke loose. Everyone knew that what they hadn't want to accept was true and spelled out very clearly for them.

Midge was dead. The Black Hood had returned.

A/N If you didn't read the last part where I asked for book suggestions please do <3

Y'all I'm emo. Calum Hood (from 5sos) has been really sad and possibly depressed lately and was even crying in stage and it makes me sad because he had the most adorable smile ever and I want to hug him qjfjke

 Calum Hood (from 5sos) has been really sad and possibly depressed lately and was even crying in stage and it makes me sad because he had the most adorable smile ever and I want to hug him qjfjke

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Look at how precious his smile is ugh

Also if you don't know them then you should definitely look up 5sos their music is amazing

Ily all <3

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