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"I'm bleeding out, so if the last thing that I do is bring you down, I'll bleed out for you. So I bare my skin and I count my sins and I close my eyes and I take it in"

Lola was pacing back and forth in Jughead's trailer. She was worried out of her mind. What if Sweet Pea and Fangs were still planning on using the bomb? For all she knew, they could be doing it right now. "What if they go through with it?" she blurted, but Jughead just looked at her. "He can't go to jail, Jug" she continued, not realising that the boy was thinking about something else.

"Would you stop pacing? You're making me nervous" Jughead stated, clearly aggravated. Lola looked at him before slumping down against the wall. She held her head in her hands and tried to figure out what to do. If she went to Alice Cooper or Sheriff Keller then they'd be arrested but clearly talking to them wasn't working.

"I wanna be a Serpent" Jughead said suddenly, causing Lola to choke on her own saliva. "I'm serious Lo" he said while standing up. Lola looked at him confused. Why had he suddenly changed his mind? Was it because of Sweet Pea, or did he genuinely want to be a Serpent? 

Lola wasn't sure how to answer. She had wanted Jughead to join the Serpents since the day of her initiation but she knew he shouldn't do it for the wrong reasons. Blood may make you related but loyalty make you family; the Serpents were a family. If Jughead was doing this just to protect Betty then there was no way he'd be loyal to the Serpents, never one hundred percent.

"Are you sure about this Jug? The initiation is pretty rough" Lola answered cautiously. She didn't want to discourage him and have him back out. She put her faith in him and believed he was doing what he thought was right. "I am. I'm done being half a Serpent" Jughead stated firmly. Lola sighed, inwardly praying he was up for this. "Come on then" she replied as she walked out the door. Jughead grabbed his dad's old Serpent jacket-the one Tall Boy gave him-and started walking towards the White Wyrm.

"Okay, when we're in there let me look for Tall Boy. Try not to bring too much attention to yourself. We don't know how they're going to react; they could cheer you on or eat you alive" Lola said with a hard gaze. Jughead nodded slightly and they pushed open the doors of the White Wyrm. Lola looked around, trying to spot Tall Boy. Considering his height, it was a lot harder to find him than she had expected. As her gaze flicked around the room, her piercing blue eyes met with those of a certain tall, dark haired Serpent who was playing pool.

"I think this Northsider is lost" Sweet Pea boomed, referring to Jughead. Crap. So much for not drawing attention to them. At least the fact that Sweet Pea was here meant that he didn't blow up the register. That thought was the only thing comforting Lola at the moment. 

"I'm not. I'm over being half a Serpent" Jughead retorted. Sweet Pea stood up straight and slowly walked towards the pair. "Wow. You'll do anything to protect your Northside buddies" he taunted. Lola was no longer worried, now she was pissed. It was one thing walking away from her and threatening to blow a place up, but no one could talk to her best friend like that.

As Sweet Pea reached them, he shouldered Jughead and walked past. Lola's blood was boiling now. She couldn't stay quiet. "Shut up Sweet Pea!" she practically yelled. The tall Serpent was shocked by her tone. He stared at her, a mixture of hurt and confusion on his face. Lola didn't give him the pleasure of turning around to look at him.

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