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"As a child, you would wait and watch from far away. But you always knew that you'd be the one to work while they all play. In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream. Here we are, don't turn away now. We are the warriors that built this town"

Lola stood outside what appeared to be an old warehouse with the other Serpents. It was time to take down the Snake Charmer. Jughead had gone in already but had instructed them to wait a few minutes before coming in as backup. They needed her to feel confident; it would be her weakness.

As the time ticked by, Lola and the other Serpents pulled a Serpent mask over their faces. Jughead insisted, despite Lola's protests, that he would be the only one to show their face in case there were security cameras. He thought that if they got caught, only he could get in trouble. It made sense, but Lola still didn't like it.

Lola silently motioned for the Serpents to follow her as they crept into the warehouse. They found Jughead and stood, a united front, behind them. Penny was moving around, clearly preparing for the job FP was supposed to do later on that night. It was clear that she still hadn't noticed the arrival of the other Serpents.

"I wouldn't worry about that. Neither of us are gonna be here" JUGHEAD threatened, clearly continuing the conversation they had been having before Lola got there. She smirked behind her mask and, although she couldn't see his face, Lola could tell Sweet Pea was smirking beside her too.

Penny finally looked up, seeing the Serpents. Lola could have sworn she saw a slight falter in the woman's cocky appearance, but as sson as it was there, it was gone. "Is this supposed to scare me?" she questioned, clearly trying to remain confident.

The Serpents ignore her comment and slowly began to walk towards her. "I would not do this if I were you. You are making a big mistake" Penny rambled, frantically. She was clearly becoming more and more afraid. Lola, fueled by all the pain this woman had caused her, took a sack out of her back pocket as she approached Penny.

Penny noticed this and her eyes grew wide, now realising that they were being serious. "Are you out of your mind?" she exclaimed, trying to back away. Without acknowledging her, Lola tied the bag around her head  as Sweet Pea and Fangs grabbed her by the arms.

They dragged her outside, placing her in the truck Jughead had borrowed. Lola and Jughead got in the truck as well as the other Serpents got on their bikes in order to follow them. Once in the truck, Lola fumbled with the mask on her head before tearing it off. She let out a breath in relief as she felt cool air brush her cheeks.

"Jesus Christ it was hot under there" she mumbled mostly to herself. Jughead chuckled at the girl and shook his head. Lola shot him a glare but smiled too. She began fixing her hair as Jughead started the engine beside her.

The drive was mostly silent. Neither knew what to say to the other; there was no guidebook on what to say to your partner-in-crime when you were about to give someone a shake down.

Lola would have preferred to be on her bike, following like the rest of the Serpents. But someone needed to have Jughead's back while he was with Penny. Knowing her,she could try anything. Luckily, she sat in silence the entire way as if she was accepting her fate. That, or she had some plan to break free.

Eventually, Jughead spoke up. "We're doing the right thing, aren't we?" he questioned, his voice slightly shaky. Lola could see how nervous he was. Being the future leader, Jughead decided that this was his burden to bear. He was the one doing the dirty work tonight.

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