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"Oh the sun will rise like a flame ignites. We're not done 'til we say it's over, we won't fade away. Oh the sun will rise. Tomorrow never dies, tomorrow never dies"

Lola was sitting on the couch in the student lounge, well rather on Sweet Pea's lap. So far, the day had gone rather well. No one seemed to be bothering the Serpents. In fact, most people seemed to be too afraid to even look them in the eye.

Everyone was having their own separate conversations, ignoring most other people in the room. Lola was giggling at something Sweet Pea had said. She didn't even notice the boy staring at her, smiling at her beauty.

After her laughing died down, Lola spoke up. "Wait, you'll never guess what happened earlier." Sweet Pea looked down at her, confused, And raised a questioning eyebrow.

"So, when I was at my locker, Reggie came up to me. Long story short, we're friends now I guess" Lola said, shrugging. Sweet Pea looked back at her, slightly in shock. Lola couldn't help but giggle again at the sight: Sweet Pea's eyebrows raised and mouth slightly ajar.

"Reggie? As in Reggie Mantle? That asshole" Sweet Pea spat, half angry and half confused. Lola's eyebrows began to crease in concern, wondering why he was mad at all. Shouldn't he be glad that people were starting to accept them?

"Yeah. He isn't gonna hit on me anymore either, thank God for that" Lola said, mumbling the last part. "But I don't think it extends to you guys. He said he doesn't see me as a Serpent." Sweet Pea still looked angry, but more so at Reggie than Lola. He was about to say something when Veronica walked in.

"I don't think we've properly met. Veronica Lodge" she said, walking towards Toni and extending a hand. "Of the Park Avenue Lodges" Lola and Jughead said at the same time, Jughead raising his little finger.

As soon as the words came out of their mouths, the two looked across at each other and burst into laughter. It was clear that they were best friend's considering they shared the same humour.

Toni shook Veronicas hand as she answered. "Toni. Topaz." She smiled at her politely as Veronica's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh, like the purple-coloured gemstone. Love it" she exclaimed. After Veronica's introduction, it seemed like everyone else was going to introduce themselves.

"And I'm Josie McCoy, formerly of the Pussycats. Now, just Josie. And this is Kevin" Josie introduced, gesturing towards Kevin sitting beside her. Her smile faded slightly at the memory of the Pussycats. Lola sent her a weak smile for reassurance.

The two always seemed to get along when Lola was at Riverdale High. They weren't exactly best friends or anything, but Lola definitely would have considered her a friend. That was a big thing, to be considered a friend of Lola Carter.

Kevin smiled and looked to Fangs. "What's your name?" he asked. Lola raised her eyebrows at the two, sensing a tension, but not a bad one. She looked to Sweet Pea beside her and, judging from the smirk on his face, he noticed it too. Lola smiled slightly at the idea of two of her friends getting together.

"Fogarty. Or you can call me Fangs. Your last name's Keller, right?" Fangs asked. Lola looked at him in confusion. She didn't remember ever mentioning Kevin, at least not by his second name. How did Fangs know him?

"How did you know that?" Kevin asked, clearly as confused as everyone else. He looked over at Lola briefly as if to ask if she had told Fangs about him, but she just shrugged in response.

"Joaquin and I used to hang out. He talked about you all the time" Fangs saud while shrugging. Lola smiled at the memory of Joaquin. She had only met him once or twice through Kevin but she knew how happy they were together.

Kevin was about to say something in reply when Weatherbee walked in. "You guys" he said, looking at the group of teenagers. Everyone looked around at eachother in confusion, wondering what was going on. "Yes you. Come with me. Now" he snapped before turning and leaving the room.

After recovering from the shock of the moment, everyone suddenly jumped out of their seats, quickly following behind Weatherbee. As they entered the hallway, Lola saw something that shocked her. Right where the school logo was, a crappy Serpent logo had been painted, and standing next to it was none other than Reggie Mantle.

"Which one of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?" Weatherbee snapped. Everyone seemed to be too shocked to answer. But of course, Reggie Mantle was quick to place the blame. "This is what they do, Principal Weatherbee. They tag their turf" he stated.

Lola looked at him in disbelief. She knew he would instantly become friend with the Serpents, she even knew he might never be friends with them, but this? This was too far. However, Lola couldn't help but notice that Reggie wouldn't look at her at all; He was purposely avoiding eye contact.

"My God, Reggie. Could you be any more transparent?" Lola asked, stepping forward. This got his attention. He looked at her and Lola could swear she saw regret in his eyes. Lola frowned, wondering if she had been mistaken, but the way he looked at her was as if he was pleading with her, for forgiveness. Lola didn't know how to react.

"Effective immediately, no gang behaviour of any kind will be tolerated in my school. As of this moment, no more Serpent Jackets" Weatherbee snapped. Lola's eyes widened in shock. Audible gasps and mutterings filled the hallway.

"What?" Lola exclaimed, not fully believing what she was hearing. "Are you serious?" Jughead yelled, clearly even more angry than Lola was. "No more Serpent Jackets" Weatherbee interrupted firmly. "All tattoos are gonna be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear? That's all" he finished, walking away.

Everyone was stunned to silence, but all began to disperse. Lola told in place, not fully processing what had happened. When everyone had walked away, only three people remained: Lola, Sweet Pea and Reggie.

Lola could feel Sweet Pea pulling on her hand, trying to get her to walk away. She knew he wanted her to have nothing to do with Reggie Mantle, but she had to know.

Pulling her hand out of Sweet Pea's, Lola took a step towards Reggie. "Why?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly. Reggie had guilt and regret plastered over his face and all he could do was stare at the ground.

"Why?" Lola asked again, louder and more sure ofnherself now. Reggie sighed, eventually looking up at her again, seeing hurt and betrayal on the girls face.

"Look, i didn't mean to hurt you" he began, taking a step towards her. "OH bullshit, Reggie. You know, I actually thought you had changed" Lola said, rambling. She felt a reassuring hand place on her shoulder and she looked up to see her Serpent Boy. She sent him a grateful smile, happy that his instant reaction wasn't to attack Reggie.

"I meant what I said. I want us to be friends. I guess I just don't like the idea of those snakes in our school" Reggie began, completely ignoring the boy behind Lola. Sweet Pea scoffed at this, but Lola elbowed his side to get him to shut up.

"I told you, I don't wanna be friends with the Serpents. If I'm honest,I didn't tho k Weatherbee would do that. I just wanted to teach them a lesson" Reggie said. Lola could see it in his eyes that he was telling the truth and that he never meant to hurt her.

She sighed in defeat, releasing all of the anger inside her. "You better not mess this up Mantle. Not many people get to call me a friend" Lola smirked while taking Sweet Pea's hand once more. Before he could answer, she turned around, dragging her boyfriend down the hall, leaving a shocked Reggie Mantle behind her.


A/n Double Update!!! For once I had a lot of time and motivation and since I haven't been updating regularly I figured I'd do a double update for you guys

Ily all <3

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