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"This is not another story, this is not another drill. I refuse to be another number now. Never staying down. This is something real. I'm a name that you'll remember, I am more than just a thrill.I am gonna be the greatest ever now. Watch out, I'm a force that you will feel"

Lola's eyes fluttered open to the shrill noise of her ringtone. She groaned as she reached a hand out for her phone, answering it. "Hello?" she groaned in a hushed tone, conscious of the sleeping Serpent beside her.

"Lola, I need you to come home right now" the familiar voice of her father said. Lola frowned, unable to read the hard tone in his voice. "Dad, it's early, do I-" she began to complain before her dad cut her off. "Just get here" he said, ending the phone call.

Lola sighed and began rubbing her eyes to wake herself up more. She wasn't sure how Sweet Pea managed to sleep through the sound of her phone going off but she decided it was best to let him sleep.

A smile creeped onto her lips as she placed a small kiss on the sleeping boy's cheek before writing a note explaining where she had gone.As she woke up more, Lola began to remember more and more of what had happened the other night.

Surprisingly, she didn't regret a single moment like she thought she would. In fact, it made her happy knowing that her and Sweet Pea had a chance of surviving. However, she didn't expect her mood to be ruined so easily and so quickly the minute she walked in her front door.

Instead of seeing her dad sitting on the couch watching TV like she had expected to, she saw someone very different: her mother. Lola froze in the doorway and her bag fell from her shoulder, alerting her parents to her presence as it hit the ground with a thud.

"Lola" her dad began, stepping forward. Lola could feel her anger coursing through her veins. "What is she doing here" she spat with venom, her eyes never leaving Penny's.

"Look, I'm not happy about it either but she insisted on talking to you" her dad explained, clearly wishing Penny wasn't there either. Lola looked at her dad and saw the sincerity in his eyes. Sighing, she relaxed her body slightly bit didn't move from her spot in the door.

"You have two minutes" she stated. Penny nodded and stood up. She began to walk towards Lola, but stopped when she flinched.

"Look, I know I haven't exactly been mother of the year" Penny began. Lola scoffed at this. "More like seventeen years" she mumbled while rolling her eyes. Penny heard this but chose to ignore it, continuing on.

"That doesn't mean I don't love you, because I do. I want to be part of your life" the woman pleaded with hope shining in her eyes. For a moment, Lola allowed herself to fantasize of a new life where she had a family; everyone was happy and all of their problems were resolved. But the moment didn't last long.

"It's a bit late for that" she snapped, knowing her fantasy was just that: a fantasy. It would never come true, especially not with Penny.

"Lola, come on. I have a whole life planned out for us. For all of us" Penny continued, glancing at her father briefly. "I have a plan. We can be together without the Serpents. We can get rid of them and live a good life. I have a guy who's getting me work."

Lola shook her head in disbelief. After everything that had happened, Penny really thought Lola would want that. "Do you even hear yourself right now?" she asked, taking a menacing step towards the Snake Charmer.

"First, you blackmail my dad to do your dirty work, then you blackmail Jug and his dad, now you're saying you want to get rid of the Serpents - my family - and start a new life together" Lola listed, her voice raising with anger by the minute.

"Did you really think that, after all of that, I could ever want that? I've been just fine without you for seventeen years, I think I can survive the rest of my life" she spat, glaring at the woman who was supposed to be her mother.

"I'm going to school. You better be gone by the time I'm home" Lola stated calmly as she turned around and walked out, leaving Penny speechless and her dad smirking with pride in the corner.


Lola found it hard to concentrate all day in school. She kept thinking of Penny and what she would do next. Sure, she may have taken the hint and left, but this was the Snake Charmer, she wasn't going to give up and leave them all alone just because someone asked her to.

On top of all that, she was trying to avoid both Jughead and Reggie. She knew there was no way they'd be happy if they knew about what had happened the night before and she didn't know if she could lie to them all day.

"Hey, you okay?" Toni asked, snapping Lola out of her daze. "Yeah, why?" she replied, trying to play it off as if nothing had happened. Toni laughed at this and shook her head. "You've been staring into your locker for the past two minutes, somethings bothering you" the pink haired girl stated.

Lola sighed, knowing she had been caught and would have to come clean. "I speant the night at Sweet Pea's" she eventually let out, feeling some of the weight lift off of her shoulders. Toni gasped and stopped in her tracks.

"Did you guys?" Toni asked, surprised after the argument the two had previously had. "Yes. We did" Lola stated, beginning to drag the girl down the hall again.

"Is that a bad thing?" Toni asked cautiosuly, not wanting to annoy Lola. "What? No. Not at all. I just can't let Reggie or Jug find out. They'd kill me and him" she stated, wanting more than anything to just pull all of her hair out in frustration.

"And on top of all that, my mother was at my house this morning and I had a massive argument with her" Lola continued rambling. Toni thought for a moment but soon smirked at the girl.

"Sounds to me like you need a distraction. And I have the perfect idea" Toni stated, now being the one to drag Lola down the hall. And that was how Lola ended up trying out for cheerleading with Toni - and actually getting a spot. It truly was a weird week in Riverdale.

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