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"There is a swelling storm and I'm caught up in the middle of it all. And it takes control of the person that I thought I was, the boy I used to know. But there, is a light in the dark, and I feel its warmth in my hands, and my heart. Why can't I hold on?"

As expected, Lola's cell was empty when she got back to it; the Serpents had been released. The girl sighed and sat down on the uncomfortable bed. When had everything gotten so messy? A couple of months ago, she was sitting in Riverdale High instead of a crappy jail cell. Granted, she didn't have her family back, but still. Ever since she transferred it had been one mess after another. Maybe she had been harsh on her dad, but didn't he deserve it? He made a deal with the devil, it was time to face the consequences.

Lola barely slept that night, and not just because of how uncomfortable the sad excuse of a bed was. Millions of thoughts were racing through her mind. Her brain hurt at the thought of her dad, but if she didn't focus on him then her mind would flick to a certain tall Serpent Boy. She needed to get answers from him. And then there was Fangs and Toni. What the he'll was wrong with them before? It's like they knew something she didn't.

On top of all that, she was worried about Jughead. He would be asking questions about why she was held longer. What if he got the answers? He would tell FP. Her dad could be exiled. He was essentially betraying his own.

In the end, Lola had gotten less than an hour of sleep. She didn't mind too much. There were times when she was borderline insomniac; she could function off of one hour of sleep.

After what felt like an eternity, Sheriff Keller came to her cell. "Let me guess, you can only hold me for twenty four hours without charging me. Since I'm innocent, you have no evidence against me. That means you can't charge me and I'm free to go" Lola said sarcastically. "Did I miss anything?" she taunted. Sheriff Keller didn't answer and proceeded to unlock her cell.

It felt good for Lola to get her stuff and walk outside into the fresh air. She really took it for granted sometimes. However, she hadn't realised she had held onto some slight hope that her dad would be there for her. All she wanted was for him to pull her into a tight hug and tell her that everything was going to be okay. But that didn't happen. It was going to be a long walk home.

"So, you're finally free" a familiar, deep voice said from beside Lola. Confused, she turned around. "Sweets? What are you doing here? Weren't you released yesterday?" she questioned while walking towards his bike. "I came to get you. Now hop on and don't ask questions" he replied

Lola could tell by his tone that she couldn't argue with him so she gave in. She had no idea where they were going, but soon enough she heard music in the distance. Sweet Pea came to a stop in an area full of Serpents, Ghoulies and even some Northsiders. Lola looked at the tall Serpent beside her in confusion. How much had she missed in one night?

"Jones challenged the Ghoulies to a drag race to win control of the Southside" Sweet Pea explained. Lola's eyes widened in shock at this. What was he thinking? The Ghoulies did this sort of thing all the time; Jughead had no experience what so ever.

As if on cue, Jughead walked up to the pair. Lola was about to scold him when she noticed the hard glare he was giving her. "We need to talk" he gritted out. Crap. He knew, didn't he? How was Lola going to explain this? They were best friends; they weren't supposed to keep secrets. This was a very big secret.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here" a voice snarled before Lola could think of a reply. She looked up and saw a Ghoulie standing before them. What the hell did he want? "Jones, if I had known about your girl here I would've asked for her too when I win" he taunted, gesturing to Lola. What did he think she was? A trophy? She could sense Sweet Pea's anger boiling up beside her and held him back, knowing he would start a fight.

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