3. Ron

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1:45 pm.

15 minutes to go. My palms are sweaty and I am nervous. What if they're in to hurt me? What if they're going to kill me?
I mean, maybe it'll better since my life sucks.

But if they're really going to help me, I would cry. No one ever wanted to help me. I got so many transphobic comments already and even some homophobic ones. Because, yes, I'm gay.
I'm a gay transgender boy.
I am asking for those comments I get. I am everything God hates. And I am not even a Christian. Luckily.

1:56 pm. I literally just blacked out for 10 minutes. I hear people coming and my heart starts to race. I see them. I see Shane, Garrett and Andrew. I see 2 people I don't know. That are his boyfriend and his sister, right?

Andrew starts to record and I slowly get up.  Shane walks over to me with Andrew following him. "How are you doing, Ron?" He asks.
"I'm okay I guess... I'm just nervous."
He nods, "don't worry. We aren't going to hurt you. I mean, look at us. We don't even look dangerous."
I laugh, "but that's only appearance."
"True..." He gives me a funny look.
I laugh while shaking my head.

"Should we go to somewhere private? We can go to the parking lot where we parked the car and talk there."
I nod, "sounds good."
We walk to the group.
The 2 people I don't know introduce themselves as Ryland and Morgan and I introduce myself too.
We start to talk.
I walk next to Garrett who is smiling a little and he tells me how excited he is about this.
I can't lie, it's adorable. He's so goofy.

"Do you know Harry Potter?" He asks me.
I laugh, "of course. Who doesn't?"
He smiles, "you remind me of Ron Weasley. Because of your name and eyes."
"Ron is awesome," I say with a smile. "But our personalities are kind of the same. Not that much, but still kind of the same."
"That's so cool! I love the movies and now I got a real life Ron."
I laugh and blush a little. "I don't know if you should be so happy about that."

I just notice Andrew is recording us. It's a weird idea that I am getting recorded. I guess I am getting recorded all day long. Maybe even longer than that.

"Garrett likes to compare everything to Harry Potter," Shane tells me.
"I figured. But I love the movies, so I don't mind," I say.
Shane makes a annoyed face to the camera before looking at me again. "So you're like a fan?"
"Not really."
Shane nods, "that's good. Because I can't stand one more fan." He pops his mouth.
"No worries. I am not like that."

We arrive at the parking lot. "Okay. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Shane asks.
"Ask whatever you want. I'll try to answer as much as I can."

Shane turns to Andrew. "Is the lightning good here?"
Andrew shakes his head, "we should go more to the sun. Wait, what if you too sit down on the roof there."
He points at a small roof where you can easily sit on and where is, probably, good lightning.

We walk over there and I sit down. Shane sits down next to me and everyone else just randomly sits down next to us.
Ryland sits down next to Shane and next to Ryland is Morgan.
Next to me is Garrett and Andrew is standing in front of us.

"What can if questions can I ask? And what kind of questions can't I ask?" Shane asks me.
"You can ask me whatever you want. The only thing I want to talk about is my girlsname."
"Then I won't ask about that."
I smile weakly, "thanks."

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