7. Ron

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The next morning I wake up because of the daylight. I look around me and only Garrett looks asleep. The others look tired. I sit up straight, "didn't you guys sleep?"
"We slept for less than an hour," Shane says.
I nod and look down, "I'm sorry. For bringing you guys here. It's my place and I know it looks like hell. But no one goes here and- and I'm more safe here..."

"Don't be sorry," Shane says. "It's good that you do this. The viewers will be aware of what is going on. No one usually sees this. I am happy that you show this to us. Because this hits me so hard."
I smile weakly, "at least I'm useful for ones."
Andrew is recording again, like always.
"Wait, can we talk without the camera? Outside?" Shane asks me.
I nod, "sure."

We walk outside. "I wanted to do this of camera because that's... Better. I think. But Garrett and I talked last night about this. This isn't healthy for anyone. I understand that it isn't safe for you anywhere and you don't have a safe spot anywhere. And it hit us... We really want to help you and right now we never spoke about how. And we still don't really know how. We hang with you for almost a day now and you're such a wonderful person. Like, you're sweet and real. Those people are hard to find here. We can joke around you and you literally can be our friend. And you kind of feel like a friend already."

He stops for a second and looks at me. I have no idea how to react to this at all. These people are so nice. So fun to hang around with. They're literally a blessing for me. Like I said: I am not Christian. But I am really thankful for this to whoever made this happen. Faith? Maybe.

Shane starts talking again, "we talked about letting you move in with one of us but that was a little much for us and now we literally are thinking. You still get the $5000 but if you want you can get it in another way we are willing to give. Like surgery or those hormones. We are willing to pay those for you. If you want to?"

"Y-you want to do that?" I ask with a shaky voice.
I hug him, "that would be amazing. I literally have no idea what to say right now."
Shane smiles, "you don't have to say anything. We got this video sponsored so we get money and with that money we will get you covered. I am also willing to help you find a job."
"How? No one wants me. I tried. I finished high school, luckily. But no one wants a gross 25-year-old female looking dude."

"Maybe you can work for me."
I frown, "how?"
"I can learn you how to edit and you can be my editor. I don't know. I can try to find something."
I smile again, "you really have a great heart, Shane. But I don't know if I can take all of this from you. This is so much. You literally can help so many other people than me because there are people who deserve this more than me."

"You deserve this," Shane says.
"There are people who have it worse than me..."
"Most people have it better than you. You are homeless since you're 18. You aren't accepted by your family. You got kicked out. You've been through the worst things outside. You throughly deserve this and I am going to give you this. I can't end this series and just let you go and have this shitty life. You're young, you don't need to be here and let this be your faith. So please, except this."

"Okay fine," I say giving in but not 100% wanting this. "I let you help me. Just know: others deserve this more than me."
"But you still deserve this. Now: let's go inside and move on with filming."

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