16. Garrett

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While Ron, Shane, and Andrew had the interview the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Jeffree standing there with Nate. Soon Shane came and talked a little but he left to go back.

So now Jeffree, Nate, Morgan, Ryland and I are chilling outside with Honey and Uno. "Where is the next video series about?" Nate asks.
"I bet is a banger," Jeffree says. "It is The Truth About Jojo Siwa?"
I chuckle and shake my head. "That would be amazing, but no. I think it's even better than that."
"What's it?" Jeffree is really excited about all of it. It makes me chuckle so more.
"How Garrett met his boyfriend," Morgan says.
I blush. "Morgan!"
"You're crushing on him."
"I am not."
"You are," Ryland says.
"Oooh tea," Jeffree says.

I just pay attention to Honey and play with her.
"No, but what is it about? You guy seriously went to look for a boyfriend for him?" Jeffree asks.
"No," I say. "We are just helping and interviewing a transgender boy who got kicked out of his house so he now is homeless."
"Oh my god. Why did he get kicked out?"
"For coming out as Trans."
"That is so sad... Oh my god..."
I nod and sighs softly. "It really is... He is so nice..."
"Like we said: crushing," Ryland says.
"I just said he's nice."

"But how are you helping him?" Nate asks.
"We got him a haircut and bought him food. We also are going to pay for his Testosterone," Ryland says. "And just helping him with the transition."
"How did you find him?" Jeffree asks.
"We were walking in the streets and we saw him," I say. "We just had to help him."
"Where is he staying?"
I look at the others. Ryland stares at a random point and thinks.
"I don't know?" Ryland says more asking. He looks at me. "Do you know if Shane talked about this?"
"I only know that he isn't staying at that place anymore," I answer him.
"Yeah. But where is he sleeping tonight?"
"I don't know."
"I'll talk about it with Shane."
I nod.

Everyone is silent for a moment. I start to think of what to say but I don't know what. So we all just stay silent.
Out of nowhere, Morgan starts to scream and she jumps on the trampoline. I frown and look at her. "Are you alright?"
"I think I saw something move," she replies.
"Like... An animal?" Ryland says.
"Yes! And it was really scary!"
"Watch out it's behind you!" I joke.
She screams and runs off. We all start to laugh.
"I'm kidding. I'm kidding," I say while laughing.
"That's not funny!"
"Actually, it was," Ryland laughs.

At that moment Shane, Ron, and Andrew walk out. "Why are you guys so loud?" Shane asks.
"Morgan saw an animal," I say.
"It was really scary," Morgan says.
I chuckle. "Not really."
"Well you didn't see it!"
"That's true."
"Yeah so don't talk about it. It was super scary."
"Fine.." I say and chuckle.
I lock eyes with Ron and smile at him. He smiles back and walks over to me. Honey runs up to him and asks for attention. I chuckle. He starts to pet the dog with a smile.

After a while Honey goes to the others so Ron sits down next to me. "How did the interview go?" I asks him.
"It went well, I guess," he says. "We stopped because you guys were being loud." He chuckles.
"Morgan got loud."
"Yeah. I figured."
Jeffree walks over to us. "Hey," he says. He holds out his hand for Ron to take so he takes it. "I'm Jeffree. You must be Ron."
"Yeah I am," he says. "It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too."
Jeffree sits down here as well. "So I heard that you're homeless. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's fine. I'm glad the guys took care of me and helped me with all of this." He looks at me and smiles.
"Where are you staying after this?"
"I don't know." He looks at me and then at Jeffree. "We haven't talked about it yet. But I know they don't want me to go back to that spot."
"Maybe I can help you."

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