9. Ron

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So here I am. In a 'stranger's' G wagon. Driving towards a 'Stranger's' house. I mean, they're kind of my friends. But... Its still weird.

When we arrive my jaw drops. "This house is so big," I say.
"Welcome to my house," Shane says while walking in.
We all follow him and I think its clear to see that I'm uneasy.

I get greated by 2 dogs. One of the dogs is named Uno and the other doesn't has a name.
"Do you know a name for her?" Shane asks me.
I pet her, "I think she's a... Valentine. Is it just me?"
"Valentine?" Ryland looks at Shane and back at me.
"I don't know," Shane says.

"Where's Cheeto?" Ryland asks.
"I don't know," Shane says. "Somewhere."
"Maybe in the kitchen?" Morgan asks.
Ryland starts to walk to the kitchen.
"Okay. Anyway. Let's sit down on the couch and we go through the plan," Shane says while making us all move to the couch.

Everyone sits down.
"Ron, you can sit down," Shane says.
"But I don't want to make your couch dirty."
"Don't worry. It's already dirty."
Andrew is recording and he chuckles.
I see that Garrett wants me to sit down next to him so I do.
"Okay, Ron, let's make a plan for your makeover," Shane says.
"This'll be a long day since nothing can make me look better," I joke.
"Me," Shane says while looking in the camera.
He looks back at me, "let's give you a hair cut, get yourself some new clothes and... Morgan you're a girl what else does he need?"
"Makeup," Morgan says.
I look at her with big eyes, "never."

"But he needs some skincare," Morgan says.
"What's wrong with my skin? It looks okay, right?"
"Yes, but there is nothing wrong with a hydrating facemask."
I nod slowly.
"Okay, what else does he need?" Shane asks.
"Don't transgender boys have like that thing that makes their chest flats? Don't you need one of these things?" Garrett asks me.
"You're not making any sense," Shane says with squeezy eyes.
"He does," I say. "But no I don't because thank my genes god I'm a flat chested person."

"Can't relate," Shane jokes.
Everyone laughs a little.
"Okay, where so we start?" Shane asks.
"I think with a haircut," Ryland says.
"Okay. Let's go to a hairdresser."

Everyone gets up again and we get to the car again. We drive towards a hairdresser and there they are going to take of my hair. What is literally a mess. It's long, it's messy, it's probably dead. So I am sorry for the hairdresses.

"What haircut do you want?" The hairdresser asks. "I have no idea," I say honestly.
"Wait, can I help you with picking one?" Garrett asks.
I nod, "sure "
He smiles and takes his phone.
"Ooh what about this one?" He shows me a pic.
"I don't think that'll look good on me."
"This one?"
"I love it."
He shows it the hairdresser and she nods.

When she's done I look into the mirror and I literally tear up

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When she's done I look into the mirror and I literally tear up.
"Do you like it?" The hairdresser asks.
I nod while covering my month with my hands.
"It looks amazing," Garrett says.
"Its amazing. I finally have short hair!"
I smile and a happy tear leaves the corner of my eyes.
"Don't cry," Garrett says and he hugs me.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy at the moment."

I give Shane a hug too and thank him like a million times. He just smiles and says that its nothing.
"Let's get you some clothes now!" He pops his mouth and walks out.
We all follow him and get in the car again.
We give towards target and get inside.

"Can we style you?" Ryland asks.
I nod, "sure. As long as I don't look as hideous as now or worse."
"Don't worry, I'm a fashion icon," Ryland makes a weird move before walking away with Andrew.

Garrett walks back with Harry Potter related mugs. He puts them in the shopping cart and I laugh. "Don't tell the others," he says.
He smiles and than his eyes light up like he has an idea. "We should dress you up like Ron Weasley."
I laugh, "sure."
He takes my hand and walks away.

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