39. Ron

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"I am going to text Shane real quick," Garrett says as we're in the car. Morgan is driving and I am on Garrett's lap and he keeps me close.
I nod. "Okay."
He takes out his phone and texts him that I am with him and that we won't go back to their place for now. After that he puts it down.
He burries his head in my shoulder. "Please don't ever do this again. You scared me."
"I'm sorry," I say. "I just thought it would be better..."
"Don't even think that again."
"I'm sorry."
He kisses my head softly and I blush like crazy.

We get to Morgan's place, and to be honest, I haven't been here much.
"What should we do?" Morgan asks. "Or you two want to do something together. I don't care."
"Let's do something with us all," I say. "But I don't know what."
"3rd attempt of getting you a boyfriend!" Garrett says.
"The last time you two tried it, he turned out to be gay," she replies and she laughs.
"Well, 3rd try is always the best," I say.
"Yeah. We will nail it this time!"
"We can also sign you up for tinder," he says.
"That's actually a good video idea," she says.
"So you want to make a video?" I ask.
She nods. "Yes."

So we all set it up and start making the video. We make her a tinder account and start swiping and messaging random boys.
After a while we get her a date and we just keep on going. Then we get a second date.
But then Morgan has enough and we end the video.

About 3 hours later we decide to leave to Shane's place and I am anxious. I hope they're not mad at me for running away. I just felt like it would be better but them looking for me proofed me wrong. But I don't get it. Why do they care so much about me?
I am like a pet. I can't do much on my own. I don't bring in money, they only spent it on me. Yes, I have a job, but my boss is the person I live with.

But I'm also glad they care about me. And that I have Garrett as my boyfriend. Because he makes me happy and feel save. I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to date him. But he proofed my that he really wants it. I still don't understand it but I guess I won't question it again.
I just am glad they even helped me out in the first place.

I probably still would be living on the streets if they never decided to help me. Maybe I would be killed. Or hurt. Or maybe I would be fine. Who knows.

"Ron," Garrett says, what makes me snap out of my thoughts.
I look at him. "Huh?"
"We're here."
I nod. "Oh. Okay."
"You were far gone. What's on your mind?" He looks me in the eyes.
"I was thinking about how glad I am with what everyone did to me. And that would happen if it never happened," I tell him.
He nods. "Ah okay."
We get out of the car and walk inside.

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