23. Ron

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It's a month later. I am good friends with the squad now, but not as much with Jeffree and Nate. Which is fine, but they still talk to me sometimes. I got a 'job': helping with recording and editing for my friends their channels. They pay me for it so I can get things on me own. But sadly I don't make enough to get my own place, so I am living with Shane and Ryland for now.

Can I add they got engaged? I am so happy for them! They're such a strong couple and I cried when I heard they got engaged.
I was hanging out with Garrett and Andrew at that time.

I am 3 weeks on hormones now and I feel awesome. Of course, you can't notice things yet, but I am so much happier. I have a place I can stay at, I have amazing friends and... I have a crush. I still can't believe I actually got a crush. Just seeing him makes me so happy and hanging out with him is awesome. But I know he will never like me in that way, but that's fine. I'm just glad I like someone. Even though I started to kind of crush on them over a month ago.

One of the reasons I can stay at Shane and Ryland's place, is because I always try to do tasks around the house. Shane and Ryland tell me all the time I don't have to do it but I want to do it so I don't just use the house without doing anything to deserve it. Because the house is super big so I try my best to help as much as possible.

Right now, I'm cleaning one of the bathrooms and I just did the other one. Shane and Ryland are away so this is the time I always try to kill by cleaning. Sometimes I'm on my phone but not for long. I bought a phone recently and Shane and Ryland gave me some money to help me buy it. I'm so happy with it.

I get a text from Garrett. He ask me what I'm doing right now. I send him back a selfie of me cleaning the bathroom and he sends back a selfie of him outside of the house. I chuckle and look out of the window to see him standing there. I text him that he can just come outside and I'll come down once I'm done.

I put my phone away and finish up the cleaning. But when I am on the last thing someone walks in. I look up and see Garrett. "Hey," I say and smile.
He smiles back. "Hey. I wanted to help you."
"You don't have to, I'm almost done."
"I'll do the last thing."
"You don't have to. I'll be done within a minute."
"Let me do it. I want to help. You're always working so hard."
"It's fine. I want to help. In that way I don't feel useless and like I'm using them."
"What do you have to do?" He asks.
"Mop the floor and then put the things I used away."
"Okay if you put the things away, I'll mop the floor."
"You don't have to," I say and sigh.
"But I want to."

After a while I give on and I clean up the supplies and Garret mops the floor. When we're done Garrett looks at me. "Let's record a video together," he says.
"What kind of video?"
"Okay so I have this idea: I will dress up as Harry and you'll dress up as Ron and we will go around LA and cosplay as them and make it really gay."
I laugh. "Okay, sure."
He smiles. "Okay, let's go to my place. I have the things there."
And so we go to his car, get in, and drive to his place.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've just been busy with school. I had so many deadlines, I had exams and I had tests. I also didn't have some inspiration and felt like it wasn't going anywhere so that's why I did a time skip.
I will try to post once a week again :)

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