30. Garrett

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Ron and I have been talking for about half an hour now. I really want to ask him on a date but I am too scared.
It's clear what Ron is ready for right now. He is ready for a relationship but then the kids you had in, like, middleschool. But then with real feelings, just nothing too far.
There is a moment of silence and I look at the floor.

"Garrett," Ron says. I look up to meet his eyes. Before I can say something he talks. "Do you want to try-- I mean not try." He thinks, probably how to word it. "Do you want to... God, I don't know how to word it." He looks up at the sky as he thinks more.
I chuckle. "Take your time."
He chuckles and looks at me again. "Would you like to.. Be part of whatever I'm ready for? Wait, no. That sounded weird." He shakes his head and looks down.
"Do you want to be my kind of middleschool type of boyfriend?" I suggest.
He looks at me and laughs. "Sounds about right."
I chuckle. "Then I say: yes. But can we dress up like middleschool kids? But not how I looked because that was... Something else."
He laughs again. "Yeah let's also not do that for me."

So Ron and I are boyfriends now. But we are just sitting in the same way we did before.
"I've been thinking," Ron says. "Maybe I want to start my own YouTube channel. In that way I can kind of document my transition to become a real guy. And a lot of people on my social media pages asked me to start a channel or if I will ever start one. And if things work out well I can make money of out it so I don't have to work for Shane and Ryland anymore and I can do things on me own."

I smile and look at him. "What kind of videos do you want to make?"
"My life is too boring for vlogs," he says and chuckles. "But maybe tell people about what it's like to be homeless? Or talk about how I really found out I was trans? Sometimes when something interesting is happening I can maybe vlog? Those things."
"Sounds good to me. Shane and Ryland can help you with starting it. You know how to edit and record now. I can help you get a camera for yourself."
"I don't have enough money to buy a camera right now," he says.
"I will pay some of it."
He shakes his head. "Don't."
"I want to do it," I say.
"You've done so much for me already. I can't do it."
"You can always pay be back later. It's fine for now."
"Okay fine. But I will pay you back!"

"Should we go inside?" I ask after a while.
He nods. "Yeah. Let's go."
We both get up and walk inside again.
"I want the tea," Morgan says as soon as we get inside.
I blush and smile. "What tea?"
"You guys talked," Ryland says. "Ron, did you tell him what you said to me?"
He nods. "Yeah I did."
I feel Ron grab my hand and I smile.
"Wait you two are a thing?" Morgan asks.
We both nod.
"Oh my god!" Ryland ask. "We need to drink in that!"
"I don't drink," Ron says.
"You can have some soda if you want."
"Why do we even have to drink to that?" I ask. "I mean it's not that big of a deal I'd say."
"Yes it is," Morgan says. "I know you liked him for a long time. Of course it is a big deal. Now Andrew and I will be the only one lest to be single."

"Okay but we still don't need to drink over it," I say. "I never drank when people got together before."
"There's a first to anything."
I sigh. "I pass."
"That's no fun," Ryland says.
"So what?"
Ron squeezes my hand so I look at him. So I give him what he wants and I meet his eyes. "You alright?"
"Yes I am," I say.
"What? I'm fine."
"I can tell you're not."
"I just need a moment," I say. I walk off.

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