27. Ron

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"I can't believe I am in Shane Dawson his house," Jessie says. She is one of the people I just met.
"It's wild," Miles says.
I chuckle. "I had no idea who he was when I first met him," I say. "I thought I was going to die."
"We look really dangerous," Garrett jokes and laughs.
I chuckle. "My mom looks innocent and she's the devil."
He is silent and looks down. I know he doesn't like what my mother did to me. But it happened. I wrap an arm around him and give him a weak smile. He just gives me a blank stare. I sigh and just look at the others.

"Anyways, I hope the fangirl moment is over," I say after a moment of silence. I chuckle and look at the others with a smile.
"I will try," Miles says and he grins a little.
I notice I still have an arm around Garrett but I can't be bothered moving it so I let it be.
"Have you met the pets yet?" Garrett randomly asks me.
I looks at him and chuckle. "Yeah. I've been to your house before, remember?"
"Yeah I just wasn't sure if you met them yet."
"You're so random."
He chuckles and nods.
"You have mice, right?" Miles asks.
He smiles and nods. "Yeah I do."
"Cool. I have rats myself."
I feel Garrett wrap an arm around me and I blush lightly.
We start to talk to the others about little nothings.

A few hours later they have to leave so I lead them out towards the door. We say goodbye to each other and then Garrett says he wants to speak to me in private so I agree and we walk over to the room I stay in. I sit down on the bed and he sits down on the other side of the bed. He looks down at his hands and thinks.
"What's up?" I ask him.
"I need to tell you something."
"I know. What's it? Are you pregnant?"
He chuckles. "Yes. How did you know?"
"You look pregnant," I give him a playful wink. He blushes and chuckles.
"Okay but for real I need to tell you something," Garrett says. He got serious all of the sudden.
"Then tell me."
"I'm trying... It's just... Hard. I don't want to fuck it up."
I look at him and frown a little. "Oh trust me it's hard to fuck it up with me when it's comes to you."
He smiles weakly. "Okay... Well... I like someone."

My smile drops a little and I nod. I didn't expect this. Of course he likes someone and it's not me. And of course my dumb ass fell for him. Like I even had a chance. I'm a mess. I won't even date myself. "Who's it?" I ask after a moment of silence. I try not to sound sad.
"It's uh.. Someone we both know," he says and he scratches his neck.
"Andrew? Oh my god." I gasp.
He laughs. "Ew! No!"
"Wait is it Shane?!"
"What?! No!"
I frown. "Ryland?"
He shakes his head.
I think more. "Yourself?"
"I knew it!"
He laughs.
"Okay for real. Who is it?"
He just looks at me for a moment. I look back at him, waiting for an answer. But I don't get one. But then I notice he is leaning in to kiss me and before I knew it his lips connect to mine. My heart stops for a moment and it takes me a few seconds to realize what's going on. And when I do, I kiss him back.

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