40. The End ~Ron~

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It's 2 years later.
"Babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Garrett says.
I look at him. "Whaaaaaat?"
He chuckles. "We should go to Shane and Ryland."
"We just left," I say. "We just got home a few minutes ago."
"I know," he says. "But we still should go back."
I give him a confused look.
"Please?" He begs.
"You're confusing," I say. "Did you forget something?"
"Yes," he says quickly.
I frown and keep looking at him. "You're lying."
"Why would I?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
"I don't know."

I sigh. "Just go by yourself. I'm tired."
"Please come," Garrett says.
"I'm tired. I'm for real tired. I want to nap."
"You can when we're back."
I just want into the bedroom and lay down. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. I sleep almost right away.

I got chest surgery a year ago, because I found out I didn't feel happy with the small amount of breast that I had. And I had surgery down there a month ago. It's still healing and everything, but I'm happy with it so far.
I'm way happier with myself now and I feel like a real guy now.

When I wake up again I notice I am not in the bed I fell asleep in. I look around and see Garrett sitting next to me and I soon see Ryland and Shane as well. I sit up and give everyone a confused look.
"Good morning," Garrett says.
I look at him. "What did you do?"
"I took you to Shane and Ryland."
"You'll see."
"Just tell me already," I say.
He smiles and wraps an arm around me.

"Okay. Is everyone ready?" Morgan says as she walks in.
"Yes!" Garrett says excitedly. The other say yes as well and I just give everyone a confused look.
"Okay. Let's go then. ANDREW!"
Andrew walks in and opens something on the TV and starts playing it.
I start to watch it and see myself two years ago. On the streets. God, I look horrible.
I frown.  "What is this?" I ask.
"Just watch," Garrett says.

I pay attention to the TV again and see the first few days I was with the guys. But I see stuff I haven't seen before because they weren't in the video. It's how they talk about me, especially Garrett. He was talking so positively and caring about me since the start.

The next clip is a few weeks later and we we're recording a weird video of us trying to make a cake. It is again mostly focused on Garrett and I. We started to have a small food fight and I chuckle watching it back.

We then are in the garden and Garrett is talking to the camera. He is talking about how I was coming any second and he couldn't wait to tell me. And he also admits that he likes me but no one can know. Andrew then giggles from behind the camera and says that everyone knows already.

It's even later. It's me talking to Morgan and Ryland while going a mukbang. This is something they cut out of the video and we were talking about love and crushes. And I admit to have a crush to someone and then say I won't tell who it is. Morgan and Ryland just say Garrett's name and I blush like crazy and look down.

"This is so weird. Just tell me what this is," I say.
"Ssshh. Just watch," Shane says.
"Just watch."
I sigh. "Fine."

It's the first time Garrett and I made a video together after we became a couple. We are trying to hide it but you can tell we definitely like each other. When I walk away Garrett just whispers to the camera 'can you believe that's my boyfriend? He is so perfect and adorable.' I know it was cut out and this is the first time I see it.

The next clip is us after we just announced we are together. It's a Q&A video I made for my channel and we talk about our relationship.

Now we are vlogging and we are going to the Universal studios. I am talking to the camera with Shane and out of no where Garrett comes in frame and he picks me up and runs away towards the Harry Potter part.
I start to laugh while seeing this.

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