26. Garrett

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"Garrett, you have to tell him!" Shane says. He almost screams it at me. It's almost a month later again. Ron is meeting up with some people he met online. They live in LA and are LGBT infuencers as well.
"Not today," I say and shake my head.
"When are you going to tell him then?"
I sigh. "I don't know? Some day?"
"So never?" He shakes his head.
"I will tell him eventually."
"I don't believe you."
"Well you don't have to."
"You know he-- Never mind."
"No tell me," I says.
"I was going to but now I won't."
"You won't even do something with it."
I pount. "Shaneee!"
"I give you money."
"A new car?"
"You can't even afford that."
"Okay true."
He chuckles.

Ron sends me a picture of him with the people he met. He looks so happy. I smile and reply to him. He then put my phone away again. Ryland just arrived as well with Morgan. Andrew was here earlier.
"The squad is here!" Morgan says happily. "Well everyone besides Garrett's boyfriend."
I blush brightly. "He is not my boyfriend!"
"He almost is!" I hear Shane scream.
He chuckles and wraps his arms around Ryland. "We both know it won't take long."
I sigh. "That's not true."
"If you say so."
I roll my eyes and just go on my phone again. Ron replied to me, asking me if I still am at Shane's place and if so if I can ask Shane if its okay if he and his new friends can come over.

"Shane," I say.
He looks at me. "Yes?"
"Is it okay that Ron brings his new friends over?"
He nods. "Sure!"
"Okay." I look back at my phone and reply to Ron that it is okay. He quickly replies to me that they will be Ubering back to the house and will be there soon. So I tell Shane the same thing as well.
"You guys talk all day, don't you?" Andrew asks.
I nod. "Yeah, kind off."
"That's so cute."
"Oh, you know."
I give him a confused look and then shake my head. He just giggles.

So 20 minutes later we start to hear other voices in the house. "Your boyfriend is here!" Morgan yells through the house.
I slap her solfty. "Stop it."
"Ouch. That hurted."
"Sorry," I say as I feel bad right away.
"It's fine." She rubs the stop I hit her softly.
"I feel bad now."
"Garrett, it's fine."
"No, it's not."
"You didn't hit me hard. No worries."
I just nod.
Ron walks in with his new friends. "Hey guys."
"Hey," we all say greeting him and his friends.
He walks over to me and says: "they're so nice and cool. You should talk to them too."
I smile and nod. "I will."
"We're going to another room. You want to join?"
I smile and nod. "Sure thing." I get up and we walk out together.

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