36. Garrett

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Ron his mother freezes up when the guy walks out. "It's nothing, Bob. Lets go back inside."
"No. Who are all these people?" He walks towards us.
"I don't know."
"Why are you lying to me?" He looks at us and back at her.
"I'm her..," Ron starts and he stops. He looks at me and I nod. "I'm her son. She.. She abandoned me."
"Why didn't you tell me you had a son? We're married..." The guy, names Bob, says. He looks so hurt and confused.
"Wait. What?" Ron asks. He is confused as well. "Married?"
"We got married 2 years ago."
Ron's jaw drops.

"Just leave," the mother comes in between. "All of you. Leave. Leave me alone." She walks inside.
Bob wants to follow her inside but stops to go over to us to talk.
"Can someone tell me what's going on?"
Ron nods and explains him everything. When he's done the guy just stands there, kind of in shock. "I had no idea she had this... This... Demon inside of her." He looks at Ron with sympathy. "I'm sorry this happened to you."
"You can't do anything about this," Ron replies. "You didn't know Julia at that time."
"Julia?" I ask.
"My mother's name," he tells me.

"I just realized something," Bob says. "She once told me about a daughter who ran away or something. Is that a lie as well?"
Ron nods. "I never had a sister..."
"I have no idea who I married." He looks at his wedding ring. "I'm going to talk to her..."
"Sure. We will go home, I guess," Ron says.
He nods. "Okay. How can I get in touch with you?"
"Email I think," Ron says. "That's the best for now." He gives him his email and we say goodbye and get in the car. We drive back towards Shane's house. Ryland is driving this time and Ron is sitting on my lap and stays close to me.

"This was crazy," Shane says. "I didn't expect this to happen."
"Me too," Ryland says. "So much drama."
"I am curious about what that Bob dude has to say to us about it," Morgan says.
"I am suprised he didn't know what his wife is like," I say.
Ron is surprisingly quiet. He looks outside of the window and is with his thoughts somewhere else.
"I guess we have to wait and see for the next thing now," Shane says.
"Ron," I say softly. He looks at me. "You okay?" I ask. He shrugs. Why doesn't even say a word right now. "You don't have to be okay right now. A lot happened and I even have to proses it. I can't imagine what you must think right now." He just nods and rests his head on my chest.

When we're back at the house we all sit down in the living room. I soon notice Ron isn't there anymore. He must have sneaked off. I think he needs some space right now.
"Where's Ron?" Ryland asks. Everyone looks at me like I need to know where he is right now.
"Why is everyone looking at me? I am just noticing he sneaked off. He probably is in his room right now. Let's give him some space because a lot just happened for him."
"Let's chat a little and then go and check on him. We shouldn't leave him alone for too long."
"I'll go to him," I say. "That better than everyone at the same time."

The others nod and we start to talk about what just happened and what we will think will happen next.
"His mom really seemed horrible," Morgan says. "I felt so bad. She is so brainwashed and hateful."
"She seems really fake and frustrated," Ryland says. "She definitely isn't in a good place."
"She is, like, a villain," I say. "She can take out her wand any second and curse all the gays over the whole world."

Should I update twice a week?

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