Chapter 2

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The light bends its way through the iron frame of the Eiffel Tower, barely fading through the large wings that securely wrap around your head and shoulders.

As some small rays of sunlight warm your face, you find your body working on its own accord. Your eyes flutter open and you sit up straight.

Wings stretching wider than your armspan as they move in sync. A light yawn escapes before it deepens as you arch your back.

Once your wings and arms feel stretched, you withdraw them and stand on the metal that made up the mid point of the tower.

Sleeping up there isn't comfortable, but it's durable. Haven't been able to find any cherry blossom trees.

You glare up at the sun, with one arm sheilding over your light rose coloured eyes.

'Manny....Didn't you say that the place is at the North pole?'


'Oh, right, I should know this by now. It's been 200 years!'

You shimmy your shoulders and a few drops of dew shake off your feathered wings.

You dust off your pink outfit, (whatever you want, but pink somewhere. I think a pink blouse and some denim shorts would look nice. Plus some pink ballet shoes that have ribbons going up the calves and ankles.)

Then peer over the frame and at the floor, spotting all the people below.

Manny had explained how becoming guardians work; he signals Santa Clause and he signals everyone else. Then he sends some guys to pick you up and hey diddly you're a guardian.

'I don't know how I'd react though, I'd either be shy or freak out'

You shake the thought, forgetting it all day whilst you spread love.

~~Time skip~~

The sun began to set faster as you saw waves of light dissappear. You guess that Manny had told them or something and waited around, shooting people as you patiently waited on a bridge.

When no one passed anymore, you thread your bow with your arm and wing, so it rested snuggly around your chest.

A small walk through the streets wouldn't harm anyone, seeing couples star gazing out the window, children on balconies with their.... phones.

You furrowed your eyebrows as a girl and boy were too close to the railings. You decided to fly up and see what they did on these technologies.

Once you flew up, you peered over the boys shoulder.

He was loading something called 'fortnite'. Last time you check that was a way to tell the time. Two weeks are a fortnite, that's what others call pay day.

"Gah! Cheater! That was rigged! Such a hacker!" The kid practically had a spazz attack.

That's not safe. You were about to push him away from the ledge when his device slipped too close to the edge.

He jumped for it!

"Ah no!" But you were too late. He was beneath you. You tried to grab him but he slipped through your hands.

The girl sprung forward and grabbed his ankle.

"Josh!" She quickly yanked him back up and pulled him into a hug. She sighed in relief, knowing her sibling was safe.

The small, 12 year old brunette growl and shoved his sister away.

"Holly! You fricken retard! My ipad!" He growled and turned to walk away.

"I-I'm sorry, but I saved you. Are you okay?" Holly tried to grab his wrist but he yanked it away and slapped her.

"Don't talk to me!" He growled as he stomped away.

Holly sighed and went back to the balcony. Where she sat on the edge. You guessed her age around fourteen.

'Pretty short for a fourteen year old'

You flew down to the floor and saw the grumpy twelvie walk out of the hotel. He ran over to the device and picked it up. He looked over the cracked screen and growled some more.

He furiously clicked the power button but to no avail. He swore and threw it to the floor. He picked it up again, snapped it in two then threw it up at the teen on the balcony.

She dodged the first peice but the second hit her on the head. She held it as the blood gushed and she ran back inside.

You stood in shock of what her brother just did to her. But a few moments later, banging and tapping was heard from the side alleyway.

You walked around the corner and saw Holly climbing down the fire escape, holding her head with her hand. Her feet tapped as she ran down the alleyway.

She was about to run through you but she tripped over your feet. She fell to her face and held her arm. She noticed her head band had fallen off and quickly scrambled to grab it.

It was a cute little cat head band, although it had blood on it.

She tucked it back on then got up again. She stood and ran down the path way.

You were about to follow before you heard shouting.

"What did you do to her!?"
"Oh really! Where is she then!?"
"I don't care! She broke my stuff!"
"Then why is there blood all over the carpet!?"
"Just leave me alone! Worst vacation ever!"

'What the.....?'

You look behind you and the girl was gone. You took a few glances between the house and the way of the missing girl. You decided to walk the way that Holly went. She tripped over you and all. So maybe you could see if she believed and support her.

As you skip along the pathway, you hear a scurry to the side. You ignore it and keep along the path.

You saw the street light that hung near the bridge. Rememering how you waited there.

You see a silhouette on the water, the water deep beneath the bridge.

'Holly must have come to the bridge to relax'

As soon as you look up, you see her standing on the bridge, looking over the side as she turns her back to the edge.

You panick and begin running towards her. But before you could even make it two feet and take off into flight, a sack was pulled over your head.

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