Chapter 13

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Jack Pov~~

We've been walking for a minute now and the only thing on my mind is (Y/n).

I love how her eyes change hue depending on how raw her emotions are, and how they turn into a gorgeous (e/c) colour whenever she's relaxed and not emotional.

I love how her wings rest effortlessly on her back and never get in the way. It was amazing when she held us both in those beautiful wings the first time we met.

The light of the warren made her hair light up and shimmer. She turns and looks at me, smiling and I feel a fire blaze in my stomach.

"I wouldn't mind getting lost here, the colour is amazing!" Her (e/c) eyes swirl with pink for a moment.

"I keep getting lost in your eyes." I say and her smile tightens, making her look as if she's about to burst.

She slows down so that we're more in sync and she loops her arm with mine.

"So Jack, I've heard a lot about you." She looks up at me and giggles.

I can tell that she's either really good at flirting, or really good at pretending she has everything under control.

"And what would that be?"

"Oh you know, just that you're so amazing and handsome." She winks at me and I blush.

"A-Anything else?"

"Well, you're a hero. Although it was a while ago, it's one of my favorite legends. You're just so...." She waves her hand as she thinks of a word.


I clear my throat and smile lazily.

"There's still so much we have to learn about eachother."

(Y/n) spins me around and sits down, dragging me to the floor.
She sits with her legs (:) and I cross mine.

"Fill me in, how's the life of Jack Senpai?"


"Nothing. Oh wait! I'll go first."

She stands and takes a bow in front of me, dramatically spreading her wings. She straightens her back and struts.

"My names (Y/n) Cupid. I'm hundreds of years old and my favorite activity is watching the sunset from tall places. I lived in Paris for a while before a very good looking guardian swept me away." She paused and tapped her finger and her lips.

"I barely remember my past life, but it was long ago and I hope to make a new life with the people around me."

"Fun fact I can fit a whole bag of cheese balls in my mouth and I have a very (weak/strong) stomach. Although I dress mostly in pink, I also love the colour (f/c). I remember my first awakening-"

"By a cliff, where a beautiful tree's roots held the rock in place, so it's safe for anyone to walk there without falling."

She froze and her hands dropped from there position and she slowly walked closer to me. Falling to her knees and looking at me with curiousity, amazement, fear?

"I was there." I drop my head. "Both when you died and when you were brought back."

Her breath catches in her throat and she falls back into her bottom. I look up and see her looking at her hands shakily. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Everyone loved you." She freezes. "The whole town. You always went out of your way to play match maker."

I could see her rub her eyes and smile, shuffling closer to me and listening in on the story.

"And when you were pairing a couple, it was beautiful. But... b-but..."

(Y/n) reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it to comfort me. I squeeze back and released a shaking breath.

"You sacrificed yourself, for two very important people to you."

She wiped a tear that fell down my cheek and I looked up to see a few of her own had fallen aswell.

"It's okay Jack." Her voice broke but she still smiled. "Now can you please hug me?"

I jump to her and brought her into my arms, supporting her on my lap mostly as she held back sobs and dug her face into my neck. I rubbed my face against her hair and made myself focus on the feeling of her in my arms.

"Sh sh sh, it's okay, I'm here, I'll always be here, I always have been." I cooed and rocked us back and forth.

She pulled back and I saw the dark shade of pink in her eyes. I gently caressed her jaw and pulled her face closer to mine.

The colour of her eyes seemed to brighten as they shifted from my own eyes to my lips. We both slowly leaned in but I felt her pause.

I pulled back and she smiled, she grabbed my face and pulled me in, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. I felt warmth there and my heart beating faster. (Y/n) placed her palm on my loosely covered chest, probably feeling my heart as it pounds faster and faster.

"I wanna remember everything."

"Tooth can help with that." (Y/n) nods and opens her wings out behind her, wrapping them around us as she gives one last sqeeze.

"Now, we'll get to your profile in a bit. But I'm sure Holly's either dead or unconcious."

Another thing I love, how she's so resilient. Having the will to do anything for the people she loves, regardless of how broken she feels. I knew the feeling of being alone, for a long time, and I want to make sure (Y/n) never feels alone again.

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