Chapter 20

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"H-Holly!?" I shout at the small girl. She smiles, her teetch being sharp and extending further, almost splitting her face.

I close my eyes and open them again. It was an illusion, she has a normal smile. I blink rapidly to try and process what her powers are. Jack grips my arm tightly, horror stricken. I lightly elbow him and he sees me, when he looks back at Holly and Pitch he's just as confused as I was.

"Her face..." I shake my head at Jack, before turning back to Pitch and Holly.

"What do you want with her!?" I shout, and Holly frowns.

"What? Hard to think that someone actually wants me!?" Holly shouts back, a snarl on her face. I shake my head in disbelief.

Holly turns back to Pitch and says something. I materialise my dagger, running my finger along the blade and turning it into a sword.

With my new weapon I jump off the structure and soar up at Pitch. Holly turns around and jumps in the way. I gasp and drop my weapon as blood starts pouring from her mouth.

"Holly!?" I hold her but she melts through my fingers. I scream again but feel a push on my back. I look behind me and it's Jack, he grabs my wing and pulls me away.

"It's fake!" He says, holding me close, wanting to protect me. My eyebrows knot, I find myself blinking rapidly once more.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I see Holly standing behind Pitch. She smiles at me, a smile that peirces through my entire being.

Her arm lifts and she's holding a golden tube. Her memories. She lifts up another tube, and it looks just the same... but with my face on it.

"H-How did you get that!?" I break free from Jacks arms and face the small girl.

"What with you and Jack drooling over eachother, I managed to get it." Pitch says for her as he meets my eyes.

I don't know what to do. If I attack, Holly will make another illusion. I can't see that again.

"We have better things that we can do. Together. Like the family you never had." Pitch says to Holly, as she stares into my eyes. She nods, mindlessly, like a drone.

"Meet you outside." Pitch pats her back and sends her away on her hoverboard, our memories within the golden tubes.

When I turn back to Pitch he is infront of me. Jack pulls me back and takes a swing at Pitch with his staff, but he shadows to another location, just infront of us.

Our friends, allies, Tooth and North, finally join us when we all go to a surface on one of the large structures. They look shaken, but their fear sweeps away quickly, just like Jack and I.

Pitch smiled with open arms, before clasping them infront of himself.

"Who knew that a small girl with a case of the 'Depresso Espressos' as she calls it, could be pushed so close to the edge." I materialise my sword again, taking a stance beside Jack as Pitch talked about Holly.

"I mean, she was good at hiding it. From everyone who didn't know." Pitch says, staring me and Jack down. We quickly glance at eachother, and I feel that sick feeling again.

"What are you talking about, Pitch?" North steps forward, armed with his twin blades.

"Oh? It really isn't my story to tell. But," his voice goes higher, "It really only takes one little thing, one small inconvenience and it can crumple the cliff, and send you falling off the edge."

I swallow hard and glare, gritting my teeth.

"So you're saying that..." Oh poor Santa Clause, you really don't understand the millennials.

"What I'm trying to say is, you had your chance. Now with Holly under my wing, I can really show her how to use that fear. You and your band of do-gooders could never have controlled her like I will."

"I will get her back Pitch!" I throw my blade at him.

"Ahaha, sure you will, but she's already gone." He disappears.


"What is my story?" I ask, looking up at the moon.

"Hm?" Jack asks, floating over to me and sitting by me as we stare at the Arctic night.

"I never really knew my purpose. I thought it was to spread love to people, connecting them with each other, but I can't even do that." I shimmy my wings and they curl up, almost guarding me like a sheild.

"Well, from the time I've known you," Jack wrapped his arm aroumd my shoulder, "You're pretty good at connections."

I lightly smile, only the edges of my lips curling.

"Jack, I know but... I feel like love isn't the only thing.... romantic affection, I mean." He hums and lays back, using his arms as a pillow.

"I thought love was the cure for everything, but if it's really like how Pitch says, there's nothing I can do for Holly." Jack peaks his eyes open.

"(Y/n)," He closes his eyes again, "There's nothing you can do but be there for her, and hope that she knows that."

I nod and feel my eyes sting, but I nod none the less.

Suddenly, the door slams open and in comes Bunny. He crosses the room and gently brushes the tree with his paw as he walks past.

"Oi uh, is it really true mates?" Bunny kneels down beside me and Jack sits up, leaning back on his hands.

"If you're talking about Holly, yes." Bunny's ears slowly fold back and sag down.

"Oh..." The room grows quiet.

"I uh, really care about her... and of course everyone else but aha, there's something special. She was always happy and cheerful and smiling and... how? Where did it go wrong?"

"She had depression." I snap, but immediately regretted it, seeing Bunny taken aback. I repeat myself but quieter and he nods.

"So she was...sad?" I feel my jaw tighten as I refrain an angry face.

"Yes Bunny, she was very sad."

"But I thought she was better now, when Manny brought her back and she got to hang out with you and the team."

"Well I gue-" I lower my voice once again, "I guess she still had some feelings she was working on, and the other day I excluded her and she pushed herself away even further. Pitch found her and now she's a threat."

Bunny nods and holds his boomerang, fiddling with it.

"Are you guys okay after the illusions wore off?" Both Jack and I nod, and I turn me eyes back to the sky.

"My fear was that (Y/n) fell and I wasn't able to catch her in time." Jack said, his hand secretly sliding over to grasp mine.

"I thought I killed Holly." I said, sadly, turning my face to the side, avoiding Bunny's horror stuck face.

"North said that he saw his whole workshop being torn apart by the elves, and they turned on him aswell." Jack said as he brushed his thumb against my hand.

"Tooth had a fear that her fairies were being eaten by cats. And then she too was attacked by a vicious predator." Bunny explains.

I nod like I've heared it all before. But now I'm wondering what Holly's fear would be. And what her memories will show her. What my memories will show her.

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