Chapter 17

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"Stupid rules." Holly grumbles and throws a gingerbread across the hall as she sat against a wall, leaning against it to try and find comfort, or to try and disappear.

"Why can't I know? It's my life." She snaps off another gingerbread arm and harshly bites it. The tooth fairy was flying down the hallway when she noticed Holly.

"Hey Kid." She smiled and waved. Holly growled and snapped at her outstretched hand, causing Tooth to recoil just like the last time.

"I -I-" Tooth speedily flew away, a fear strucken face.

"OH wait no! I'm sorry! I didn't..mean" Holly looked at the floor, soon her anger getting the best of herself. She turned and punched the wall, breaking the plaster.

"Oh fu..." Holly looked down the hallway to check if anyone had saw, but again, she was alone.

'Just like before.'

"What?" Holly asked the sudden thought. She turned around but to her surprise it was infact her own thought.

'Always will be.'

Holly turned around again, these thoughts invading her own mind. Confusion plaguing her as she didn't know what roots these free thoughts stood by.

'No one loves you.'

"SHUT UP!" She screamed and pulled her cap off, tgrowing it at the wall and tearing at her hair. "BE QUIET!" She sobbed, hitting her hands against the wall.

'You're a mistake!'

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Holly screamed at her reflection in the mosaic windows. The wind whirled as tears ran down her black stained tear lines.

A flash of black made her yelp and fall back. She quickly jumped up to look back out the window.

"H-Hello?" She stutters quietly.

"Hello dear." The reply startled her as she didn't expect a reply. Holly flipped around and from her shadow grew a man with a conplexion that mirrored her own.

"Uh... hi." Holly smiled nervously and waved. He grabbed her hand and held it.

"My names is Pitch, Pitch Black. I'm the boogy man." Holly laughed like the nieve child she was.

"Holly, Holly Haunts, formally known as Sir Halloweeny,or Weemy for short."

"So my job is to spook kids, what's yours?" Pitch gave a toothy smile that didn't send Holly running like it would others.

"I.." Holly started with a smile but slowly dissapeared. She remembered feeling the fear in everyone, the fear they recieved from her.

Yet, she couldn't feel it. She looked up at Pitch excitedly and jumped up and down in her spot.

"You arn't afraid of me!" Pitch nods.

"Of course I'm not my dear, why would I be?" Pitch took his hand away from the excited teen, not fully adapted to socialising with children.

"Well, I just make everyone uneasy, especially if I'm emotional. I can't be nearanyone without... snapping." Again her excitment decreased.

Pitch pat her head. "Don't worry about snapping around me, I won't run away."

Holly smiled sadly and began walking down the hallway with Pitch by her side.

"I'm not allowed to be here and I assume you don't want to stay around and feel unwanted. Lets say we get out of here and... spook some drunks in Australia."

"Ha! I was born there.... I was..?" Pitch pat her back and climbed a window.

"We'll get your memories back later aswell."

"Heck yeah! Let's book it!" She cheered and jumped out the window, setting out her hoverboard and soaring away with the mysterious man and his horse.


(Y/n) and Jack walk down the hallway, being all coupley and walking as she leaned on his shoulder. Before they took another step, Tooth soared past them, waving nervously and continuing out a window, probably to the Tooth palace.

(Y/n) laughed at Jacks small joke and she swept some of his frosty hair out of face.

They both simultaneously stopped in the pathway.

"Do you feel that?" Jack asked. (Y/n) nodded, the unsettling feeling sweeping across them both.

"It's probably just a draft." Jack said bravely.

"Okay. Let's walk then." (Y/n) said, not taking a step, neither did Jack.

"Yep." Jack shuddered, "We can go now."

(Y/n) smirked and pushed Jack and he screamed and flew back behind her.

"Ahaha! Baby!" She turned around, her (h/c) whipping in the face. He stepped back prepared to complain but (Y/n) embraced him before he had the chance, wrapping her wings around him and waddling back and forth.

"Even though you hit my in the face with your gorgeous flowimg hair-"


"We still have to walk that way." He pointed towards their intended path.

"Aha! No. Something seems off, lets take the short cut." (Y/n) turns around and pulls Jack by his hoodie.

"Aw but I wanted to spend more time with you~" He whines but follow none the less.

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