Chapter 15

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(Watched Rotg last night, and I almost cried at the ending cause it was so beautiful! But I can't lie, I felt yandere when ever Tooth got too close to Jack! I love Tooth! But Jack takes the cake.)

Your Pov~~ 2nd Person

"Who's Peter?" Holly asks in an offended tone before you could reply to Jack.

"He's this superhero from centuries ago. Well, he's still a character today, but the actor from the 21st century was hot as fucc."

"Tom Holland?" You ask, the name suddenly coming to mind.

"Aw hell yeah. I dug up this really old movie, and," Holly pauses to add dramatic effect as she grips her shirt over her heart. "I've never cried so hard before."

(Author: *traumatic flashbacks of sobbing in the cinema* T^T)

"Oh, I think I remember that." I suddenly don't feel so good. Rip Spidey.

"Wait so, how good looking was he?" Jack asks in a very concerned voice. He steps between you and Holly as everyone walks.

"Oh, he was on a level of his own." Holly rests her hand on her forhead and fake faints, before Bunny shifts and boosts her back up.

"B-But, uh, (Y/n)? Did you like him? Were you together?"

'Oh I fuckin wis-'

"Uh nooooooooo." Jack grins and slips his hand into mind.

"But did you like, ever give him a," He looks at Bunny and leans close to you. "Blowjob?"

Holly laughs turning around.

"Only in the fanfictions, Jack."

"Fanfiction?" Jack asks, confused at almost everything the girl in black says.

"Holly, stop talking, you give him more questions!" I whisper yell at her and she laughs, turning back around and talking with Bunny. Probably about his upcoming holiday.

"Wait so you have? But why does he get one and I don't?"

"He didn't get one...."

'Not really- Okay! What is even happening anymore?'

"Good, cause I don't plan on sharing." Jack pulls you closer by your hand and starts running ahead with you in tow. You both start flying.

"Hey! Wait up ya rascals!" Bunny shouts and gets on all fours, chasing us as Holly laughs and holds onto his shoulders.

"Beat 'em there Buns!" Holly shouts out and you tighten your grip on Jacks hand.

"Hold on." You say to him, and he returns your dangerous smile. You spread your wings and flap them with a great force, launching you and Jack forwards as he calls out in excitement.

"Take a right and go higher!" Jack says, contolling the wind and pushing it under your wings, blasting you both up into the air.

You laugh wildly, feeling an overwelming amount of freedom. You fly higher and see North, Tooth and Sandy waiting around the same spot.

You twirl around and wrap your arms around Jacks neck and wrap your wings around you both.

"Can Peter do this?" Jack calls over some wind as you reach the limit of the sky. You both burst through the clouds just as Jack pulls you in for a tender kiss. You were almost surprised, but after holding back and waiting for a happy moment where you two were alone, you felt a large wave of relief and happiness run over you.

You mumble and smile into the kiss, feeling Jack smile aswell. He opens his eyes and leans his forehead against yours. You feel tears prick at your eyes as they turn a bright pink. Tears prick in Jacks eyes aswell, either from happiness or the wind as you both fell back down to earth.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." Jack admits as he hugs you. You squeeze him back and spread your wings to gently float yourselves down to the ground.

Your feet touch the floor and you can only look into Jacks eyes. You here a deep voice clear their throat and you both turn to look at North and the rest of the guardians plus the halloween spirit.

You sheepishly hide behind Jack as he puts his hands on his hips, smiling proudly. His bright smile contradicts your red face.

"What was that? 2nd base?" Holly asks, sitting on her hoverboard with Sandy on the other end, nodding. Holly gives Sand Man a high five at your glare.

"Thanks for droppin by mates. Sorry for leaving so suddenly, turns out the little cat isn't too bad." Bunny ruffles Holly's hair and ears but she paws him away. He just laughs and salutes before walking away.

"Oh! And mates." He looks at us, tossing Holly's cap back at her. "Have a nice trip." He double taps his foot and everyone falls but Sandy and Holly.

Holly grabs her collar and her hoverboard shrinks. Both her and Sandy fall in, hands in the air as Holly calls out a goodbye to Bunny, laughing and screaming.

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