Chapter 14

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Holly Pov~~

'Ugh, where am I?' I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times, feeling oddly disorientated.

I can feel that my body is spread and encased in some sort of liquid. I'm also moving?

My heart stops and I hold my breath. I look out of the corner of my eye and see this amazing purple river, it was quite wide from here and it was gorgeous.

'Woah...' I feel myself relax but sink slightly. 'Wait river?'

Fear claws it's way back into my mind as I stay on my back. My lip quivers as my eyes sting.

'It's just water! It's just water! It may not look like water but it's just purple, glittery water!' I feel this irrational fear attacking my system, making my body tremor and cause small ripples to form in the water.

'If I just keep breathing, I'll stay a float. Yeah, just keep floating, we'll make it to the shallows soon.' Comforting words are my only hope.

I hear the pitter padder of small feet and I see small egg looking things appear along the banks.

"H-Hey guys, could you help me out?" I ask the coloured eggs with a trembling voice. They jump back and run away, where to I don't know?

"Guys please!" I call out. I flip over onto my stomach and try to paddle my way over to them but that when I realise I don't know how.

I don't know how to swim.


"Okay, everythings going smoothly." Bunny sighs as he walks along with the eggs all around him.

"Now head along that way lil chaps, I'm gunna head back up river to see how it's going." He says as he turns back around and casually walks along, letting his eyes roam free to anything that catches his interest.

He hears rushing feet and see a cluster of seven eggs bolting towards him. They all jump around and Bunny can sense the ergency.

"Upstream?" He knows somethings wrong and bolts ahead, weaving through shrubbery and dodging eggs as he hastily makes it further up the river.

He hears thrashing and gargled screams, making him increase his speed.

'Is it another kid?' He thinks, remembering when the small blonde girl snuck in all those years ago.

He comes to an sudden stop when he sees a familiar figure dipped with the shiny coating.

'Should I save her or- Don't be ridiculous, you'll be just as bad as them!'

By the time the tall, grey rabbit makes up his mind, the small girl has just submerged.

"I gottcha!" Bunny jumps onto a bridge like branch and leans down and grabs her by her t-shirt, dragging her up and laying her on the grass, turning her on her side and patting her back whilst supporting her hwad beneath his paw.

"We heard a strugg-" The feminine voice was cut of by a sudden gasp. Bunny looked up to see that (Y/n) had burst through a bush, winds spread and an anxious look on her face.

Holly coughs and splutters, looking up at Bunny. She gives him a very weak smile before closing her eyes.

"Holly?" (Y/n) jumps over and kneels beside the limp girl. She stretches her wing and sits Holly up against it.

"Is she okay?" Jack asks, rubbing (Y/n) on the back and looking up at Bunny.

Bunny looked at Jack, and then sat down from his kneeling position. He sighed and ran his paw over his head and pushing back his ears.

"What happened? What is she covered in?" (Y/n) asked and wiped some of the stuff off of Holly's cheeks, revealing pale skin.

"I don't really know, I just gound her in the river and-"

"The river?" The angel asked, holding the girl closer.

"Yeah, she was fully under by the time I fished her out. And the liquid... it's magic." Bunny says.

(Y/n) flicked her hand, making a hankerchief appear and she began wiping Holly's face and arms.

"Hey is something wrong?" Jack asked (Y/n), catching Bunny's attention. She just grunted and shook her head.

"Don't worry about me." She smiled. "Holly?"

The girl hummed, opening her eyes and sitting up. The halloween spirit shook her head and reached up to her head.

"Oh crap, my hat." Jack laughed and Bunny let out a chuckle.

"What happened?" Jack asked Holly.

"It's all gone. A blur of me just walking around admiring the place. It really is beautiful." Holly directs her comment to Bunny before turning back to (Y/n) and Jack.

"I woke up, floating down the colourful river, and then I just felt so scared. Scared of the water... the magic watery thing. But I got scared and called out to some eggy dudes, but they ran away and I tried to swim out but I.... I don't know how to swim." She admits shyly.

(Y/n) sighs and Holly suddenly grips her hand tightly.

"I was so scared! I-I didn't why!? I just- I just couldn't be there! I could be in the water!" (Y/n) hugs her and pets her back.

Bunny looks at the girl as she shivers. Everyone shivered aswell, feeling a huge amount of fear was over themselves.

"Oh, Holly, we know what you're going through. It's okay, you're fine." Jack reassures her as (Y/n) pulls back and wipes Holly's face.

"Uh, so are the others here?" Bunny asks in a small, accented  voice as he stands and walks towards the usual drop off spot.

Jack says yeah and stands up, (Y/n) stands and pulls Holly up, but she soon claims that she feels too shaken to walk.

"I can use my hover-"

"I'll carry you, small one." Bunny offers and (Y/n) smiles, helping Holly onto the rabbit back.

"Thanks Bunny. And thanks for saving me, you're the best." Holly hugs him from behind and smiles.

Jack smiles as Bunny stutters a you're welcome and loops his arm around (Y/n)'s waist. The angel sighs and leans against Jack as they trail behind the easter spirit.

"She's safe, okay. And Bunny's being nice now, he probably has a soft spot for kids." (Y/n) laughs at Jacks accusation.

"I just can't wait to get back to the pole."

"Oh yeah, so I can introduce myself, my profile, right? And we can get back your memories, but most importantly-"

Jack spins (Y/n) around so that their noses are almost touching.

"You can give me a blowjob." (Y/n) chokes and laughs, pulling away.

"Not until you know what it is."

"Then tell me!" He whines.

"Laaaaater!" She mocks him.

"Does it come in a box? How long does it take to give one? Do you give them often?"

(Y/n) blushes deeply and pushes him. "Stop talking!" Jack laughs and pulls her with him, spining her around and dipping her.

"I will get one sooner or later." (Y/n) giggles and pulls some of her (h/c) out of her face.

"How about later? Or never?" She twirls back out of his grip and walks away. Jack floats up behind her and above her, pulling up and over and floating infront of her.

"Yo spiderman! You two should kiss!" (Y/n) laughs at Holly's reference but pecked Jacks nose anyway.

"You're no Peter Parker." She says and walks around him.

"Who's Peter?"

(If I ever forget to publish a chapter, or I'm gone for too long, don't be afraid to remind me. I love writing this story and I'd hate to accidentally forget about it!)

1269 words!

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