Chapter 16

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It has been an hour since the incident at the warren, and everyone had settled back into their places. Jack left (Y/n) and Holly in the angels room so he could go retieve her memories.

"I just don't understand." Holly mumbles, swinging her legs on the donut couch that fit around the trees trunk. "How am I not allowed my own memories?"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse that wouldn't cause a big deal.

"Usually, if you can't remember, it's because Manny doesn't want you to, so you can do it yourself." She says. Holly opened her mouth to speak but closed it.

"Uh, I had a family." The (h/c) hair female states. "I don't remember anything but the fact that Manny helped me forget so that I wouldn't have to live, knowing that they won't live as long as I will."

They make eye contact and they can see the conflict written across eachothers faces.

"And I think we should wait a few more years, just so that you can live this new life, with me and Jack, and the rest of the guardians, like what I'm doing, because I can feel love here."

Holly looks up with tears gathered in the corner of her brown eyes.

"I can feel fear." (Y/n) sits up on her branch, stifly looking at the girl as she curls up and rests her head on her knees. "I know that they're afraid of me. And I know that everyone's safer if I just forget everything and pretend I'm alright."

"That's not what I mean." (Y/n) reaches out to Holly as she jumps out of the tree and out the door. (Y/n) drops her head and stands on the branch, walking back to her bed and falling into it.

2nd Pov~~

You sigh and run your hand through your hair, feeling partially guilty yet responsible.

'Manny's counting on me to make sure she doesn't remember her old life. I just hope she'll be fine without her memories and won't go looking for them.'

"My name is Jack Frost." You hear a voice and look up to see Jack standing over you, you worries fade as a smile takes form.

"I'm about your age, and my favorite activity is snow ball fights. I'm all about having fun and I know what to do to get it, I may be a handful, but when I take your hand you won't even be able to remember your own name. Oh, that reminds me."

Jack pulls out a tube from his hoodie pocket and holds it out to you. You reach to grab it but he pulls back.

"I never stay in one place but I promise to always be by your side." He takes your outstretched hand and pull you onto your feet. "My original eye colour was hazel and I remeber waking up as I broke the ice of a lake, opening my eyes to see a moon and snow all around me."

You can feel the memory coming from inside him because he spoke with such care.

"And, fun fact." He states. "I'm madly in love with you." He pulls you in for another kiss and pushes your body against his own.

You can't help but smiling into this kiss again, feeling pure bliss and happiness being in his arms.

"Stop smiling and pucker up." Jack whines. You giggle and give him a proper kiss, maybe a little french but hey! You lived in the city of love, people kissed in french everywhere.

"For how long?" You ask him as you sit back down and take a seat across from him. He holds the tube in his hand and fidgets a little.

"Ever since the moment I saw you on that cliff, before you.... I laughed and you heard me, you saw me and you believed in me. Everyone at your age forgets but, you were just so amazing. You were so selfless and caring, and then when I was flying around at your home town, I decided to drop by, and you were there, you were still the anazing person I knew before, but more confident and cheerful, and still just as gorgeous."

You blush deeply and grin at him. Jack returns your smile before continuing.

"Don't be creeped out but, I kept checking in on you, watching you was so much fun. Seeing people confess their love is...beautiful."

"It sure is." You confirm and reach out for the tube. He gives it to you and you peck him cheek to say thanks.

He tells you how to work it and you gently press your fingers against it. Memories fly through your mind, and bring happy tears to your eyes, you were almost sad for a moment, but apon seeing your brother and his family, you smiled.

A feeling of sadness washed over you as you promised to come back and see them again, you were an aunty. You only got to see them once.

You come out of your own mind and see Jack holding your hand. He is looking deeply into your eyes, searching for something.

"I had a family." You voice cracks and the blue eyed boy draws you in for a large hug.

He pulls back, expecting you to be sad but you were so happy, you were smiling brightly as tears rolled down your flushed cheeks.

"Thank you!" You pepper Jacks face with kisses and cuddle into him again as his body shakes from laughing.

Feeling comfort in the rumbling of his chest, you close your eyes and steady your breathing. His arms wrapping around you as you drift off into sleep.

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