3. Hell?

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Written by VeGirl 2018

It took Chloe much too long, but later that afternoon she stood outside of Dr. Linda's office, knocking on the door until it opened.

"Hi Linda," Chloe said hesitant whether she should be here at all.

"Come in!" Linda gestured towards the couch while taking her own seat in her armchair and crossing her legs. "What can I do for you?" She was a little surprised to see Chloe here, they didn't usually have sessions like this, but they were friends for sure.

Chloe stood cautiously by the door, only to take a few steps forward and then back to the door again. As soon as she had decided to take the leap and tell Linda that she had lost her mind, she took quick steps to the couch and plopped down on it very uncharacteristic for her. "I don't know where to start." She sat on the edge of the couch.

Linda took a calming breath, thinking that this must be really juicy for Chloe to act like this. "Just tell me how you feel."

"I'm scared."

"Okay... what are you scared of?"

"I'm scared that I'm losing my mind. It's..." she hesitated. "It's Lucifer, I mean you know him." She raised her brows and widened her eyes while she talked about her coworker.

The doctor observed Chloe's facial expression act pretty much the same as always when she was frustrated, but her eyes showed fear. "I do," Linda answered and smiled a little as her memory took her back to those early sessions of Lucifer's when he had made payment in kind, or the flesh. "Yes," she had to physically shake her head to get back to the presence. "Why is this about Lucifer? You know I can't talk about another patient." She took the professional stance even if she knew they were all friends.

Tears formed in Chloe's eyes. "I'm scared of him. He... he showed me... something and I'm scared."

"Oh..." Linda sat completely still for a moment. "He showed you his true face? Or the other face."

Chloe stopped and blinked towards Linda. "You know about that. You've seen it?"

Linda momentarily closed her eyes and stretched her neck. "Yes," she admitted as she regained focus again. "I know he's the Devil."

Chloe exhaled sharp. "But how can he be that? That is just impossible! I mean Hell?"

Linda didn't know what to say; it sure was impossible. She was also very impressed with the courage Chloe showed, coming here. Linda had been sitting trembling when she found out about Lucifer. "Tell me what happened."

"We were at this mission..." Chloe started to tell Linda about that last mission that turned out to be a trap, how after the shooting she had suddenly found herself on the roof of a building. "And I thought; how the hell did I get here?"

Linda got an adoringly look on her face. "He flew you to safety."


"He's an angel."

"He's the Devil!"

"But the Devil is an angel," Linda explained as if Chloe had zero knowledge of the lore. "The angel of light."

Chloe widened her eyes and shook her head while exhaling in this preposterous conversation. "He's my co-worker. He can't be the Devil."

"I know," Linda agreed. It was impossible and yet it obviously was the truth. They both sat in contemplating silence while going over things individually in respective mind.

"He spoke of God as his father," Chloe was the one who eventually broke the silence in a brutal way. "Is that correct that God and the Devil are father and son? I mean I have never even thought of it, and it sounded as if it was a dysfunctional relationship." Chloe was shooting questions at Linda who had gone through all of those when she first found out. "I always thought God was good, but the Devil..." she widened her eyes in that trademark way of hers.

"I met him," Linda smiled with a starstruck expression, and who wouldn't be while meeting God. "At least I think I did." She furrowed her brows while thinking. "You met God Johnson."

Once again Chloe widened her eyes while exhaling and then she chortled. "I met two insane guys, where one of them said he was the Devil and that the other was his father; God." She exhaled sharp again. "Maybe I'm the one who's insane."

Linda laughed. "This is an insane situation, but I think you're okay."

"Oh my God; the wings." Chloe gasped. "I saw the scars on his back and he said the wings were his, can it...? Her hand flew up to cover her mouth.

Linda smiled patiently. "Yes, he has wings. They are gorgeous!" She had been amazed at the sight of them.

Chloe exhaled sharp. The whole thing was impossible and both women sat in silence for a good while. "Is he evil, the Devil," Chloe finally asked.

"At first, before I knew he really was the Devil I tried to understand his strange metaphors." Linda laughed. "I thought he was punishing himself for something. As I got to know him; after he truly revealed who he was, I am even more convinced. Is he evil because he is the Devil, or because everyone sees him as evil?"

Chloe tried to comprehend the incomprehensible. "I thought I could have a conversation about this but I don't think I ever will be able to grasp it." She revealed with a nervous chortle. "And I'm scared to face him."

Linda knew what would come and forestalled the question. "Do you want me to go with you to Lux?"

Chloe froze. I don't know if I want to go there, but then again, I have to." She sat still and Linda waited patiently. "I'm both scared to find him there, and to find it empty."

"I definitely get that. Come one, let's go." Linda smiled, got on her feet and reached a hand for Chloe. "If he's not there we can at least get ourselves a drink or two."

Chloe hesitated a little while but knew that she wanted to know if he was still in town. They took Chloe's car and while she drove them the familiar streets to Lux, Chloe was silent while Linda was talking and talking. Perhaps it was to help Chloe to ease her mind, but she couldn't follow the conversation. Her head spun and all she could do was focusing on the traffic around them.

She parked outside Lux. Her mind was in turmoil but Linda ushered her further. The front door was unlocked as always and Chloe's stomach flinched as they stepped through. Cleaning staff was tidying up the place, just as she had experienced before. It felt eerie.

"Come on." Linda hooked her arm into Chloe's and helped her towards the well known elevator. Chloe wasn't sure she even breathed during that ride, but too soon the ding came and the doors opened. Chloe wanted to close her eyes but held them open.

The penthouse was abandoned; cleared of furniture. All that remained was the grand piano, covered with a black sheet.


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