7. To Hell and back

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Written by VeGirl 2018

All the peculiarity that was Lucifer popped in Chloe's mind now and again; the inhumane strength when lifting someone up against a wall or pushing a manager across a room. She couldn't once recall him being winded or out of breath. And then there was the face; the face that made people scream and scurry away in fear. Well, who were they to blame, hadn't she backed away in fear?

Not to mention the claim of immortality.

All of it made sense now since finding out that he was the ultimate bad guy. And then there was Marcus Pierce. She had in fact googled bible lores to learn more about the one called the first murderer. He had killed his brother for what, because God liked Abel's offering better than Cain's. The first sons of Adam and Eve, that was just ludicrous.

But then there was the Devil.

Was that the kind of men she was attracted to now; bad boys? Perhaps she should start hanging out in biker-bars?

"What are you mulling about?" Ella was the one who put Chloe out of her misery. Ella saw her flinch and then deny being startled. Oh, how Ella wanted Lucifer back, he would know just what to do to get Chloe out of her funk.

"What do you mean mulling, I'm just..." Chloe shrugged. "Nothing special."

Ella gave her one of those piercing looks that seemed to see through everything. "Mmhmm..."

Chloe was trying really hard to pretend that everything was fine.

"Anyways," Ella shrugged. "I could use your help." She told Chloe about that totally gorgeous detective she had met last time she was in Vegas, and how that same detective Long now had called her to assist him in a case. "I would really need a wingman, or wing-woman," she corrected with a hopeful smile.

Chloe's mind instantly thought of dr Linda's statement according men with wings, but managed to snap that train of thoughts away.

"If you're not too busy I would love for you to come, and I think that it could do you good."

That was the reason the two co-workers found themselves in the city of opportunities just four hours later. Chloe was relived to get out of the car. She had never encountered Ella's driving and she hoped she wouldn't have to again. "I'm driving us home, you hear me?"

Ella simply snickered. "What's the fun with a car like this one if you're constantly taking the slow lane." She loved fast cars and that interstate 15 was perfect to try this new engine out.

Las Vegas. This was where Lucifer's ex-wife was. Chloe hoped she didn't run into that pink airhead. She also thought about the 'radish' that had been here with Lucifer on Chloe's birthday. Maybe this was where he was hiding? Chloe's stomach clenched at the thought.

They checked into the hotel that Ella had booked and she called her contact, detective Long.

Chloe stood mesmerized by the view outside the window while Ella made plans with that detective of hers. So many thoughts were spinning in her head. She was glad to have work to distract her from those preposterous thoughts that she couldn't really deal with on her own. So, she had really been friends with the actual Devil. That was just insane. When he had shown her that horrendous face though, she known instinctively that it was the brutal truth, and didn't she say that she wanted that from him?

"Chloe?" Ella swept Chloe back into the much easier reality with crimes and murders which was easier to figure out. "We're heading to Fletchers, detective Long will meet us there." Chloe simply followed her friend and co-worker that seemed very familiar with this town.

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