11. Until Hell freezes over

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Written by VeGirl 2018

When Chloe had agreed to let Lucifer drive them both to their next case, she hadn't anticipated the speed. "Do you have to drive like the devi-" with eyes wide open and a look of getting caught with the hand in the cookie jar, she turned towards a very amused Lucifer.

"Like the Devil?" he snickered. "Yes, I'm afraid I really have to."

Chloe felt like an idiot. How could she slip like that. With flaming cheeks and Lucifer's snickering in her ears she did what she could to focus on the case they had just been assigned. "I'd be grateful if you took me to the location safe rather than fast." She turned watching out the side window.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"A murder investigation isn't supposed to be fun."

"On the contrary Detective." Lucifer felt unusually upbeat. "To find the guilty and punish him or her is fun. That is why you became a detective, is it not?"

Chloe had to admit he had a point somewhere there, perhaps not fun, but definitely fulfilling.

With a final curve he stopped the car and Chloe was grateful to once again feel the ground under her feet. Without waiting for Lucifer she walked to the closest police officer blocking the people trying to get into the hotel which quickly had turned into a crime scene.

"Detective Decker," she introduced herself with a flick of her badge, "and mr. Morningstar," she heard over her shoulder. "Civilian consultant." Chloe nodded to confirm the statement to the officer who let them pass. In a moment of clarity she wondered how Lucifer's relationship with her could so easy go back to what it had been before she knew the truth behind his preposterous claims to be the Devil. For a few seconds she hadn't thought about it.

They were guided to the elevators and while arriving on the eleventh floor another officer was guiding them to a suite further along the hallway. Commotion, officers and barrier tape would have told them where to go and Chloe felt that usual tension surge through her. What would the scene look like? How gory would it be?

Ella was already squinting over the body with her camera clicking away. "Oh good, you're here," Ella said at the sight of them. "There is a single gunshot to the head, so that is the obvious cause of death." Her deductive ability was uncanny as usual. "But don't be fooled by the gun in his right hand. He's a lefty."

Chloe was surprised. "What makes you think that?"

The look Ella gave her was as if she should have seen that herself. "The callosity on his left middle finger indicates that he does a lot of short hand writing. There is also a few minor scars from let's say a kitchen knife on his right hand a long time ago."

Chloe nodded and her expression revealed how impressed she was. "Who found the victim?"

"The mistress," Ella explained with an eye roll. "Do you wanna bet it's the wife who is our perp?"

"I better." Chloe simply gestured to the horrified woman crying on the couch in the next room. Chloe walked over to question her while Lucifer stayed with Ella.

"Next time you decide to walk out on her you better give her a call."

"Yeah sorry, there are no cell phone connection in Hell."

"What's with the drama already?" Ella sighed.

Luckily Chloe came back, interrupting the conversation that led nowhere. "We need to go question the grieving widow. Are you done here, I need my partner." There was a hint of jealousy in her tone as always when Ella got too close to Lucifer. Chloe put that train of thought in the memory box to further investigate it in solitude. With her neck she motioned to Lucifer to follow and then marched away.

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