10. Speak of the devil

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Written by VeGirl 2018

Today on the 13'th of August they start shooting season 4. I can't wait to see what the talent cast and crew come up with for us.

Now, let's continue this story. I hope you like it. Thank you for reading.

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"I think it is time for a chat, don't you?" Lucifer had ruled down Chloe's suggestion about a public place for this conversation, so here they were, in the penthouse of Lux. Lucifer had wished she hadn't been so scared though. Every sign on her body showed stress; her eyes flickered, her breathing was fast as was her pulse he noticed; it pounded visibly on the side of her neck. "I bet you're dying to speak of the Devil." The grin was far from sincere and neither was Chloe's.

"So you really are..."

"The Devil, yes. I have been telling you over and over but you just don't listen."

Chloe blinked and took a breath. "Well it is a bit hard to believe." In some way it was hard to watch him, without a doubt due to that red horrifying face she had hard time to forget, but at the same time it was impossible not to watch him. He was still gorgeous, at least in this form. He was still a mystery though. "So, immortal?" Chloe briefly widened her eyes in that characteristic way of hers, pretending it was a normal conversation.

"And that, I did tell you from the beginning, you do remember I hope."

Chloe nodded thoughtfully. He had definitely told her that and more, she had just not believed it. She recalled the case where they had met. "That's why you survived and that girl... Delila didn't." Some how every little thing now made sense. Slowly comment by comment and event after event rolled by in her head.

"As I very much told you." The mentioning of Delilah was somehow painful. Perhaps because the girl had been more than a lover; a friend. Was that a common classification, Lucifer wondered. Did friends mean more than lovers?

"But when I shot you..,"

Chloe's question snapped Lucifer out of his contemplating. "Yes, that is mind boggling I agree. You make me vulnerable it seems." Lines formed between his brows as he watched her, pensive as if she was a riddle to solve. "I was certain that dad put you in my path to manipulate me."

"And with dad you mean-"

"The almighty, yes." His eyes indicated a higher place. Lucifer continued to inform Chloe of his father's participation with concieving her. "In the non physical form of course." It had been Amenadiel who had executed the order nor he physically.

Chloe sat there with her mouth hanging open. She had heard her mother tell the story of how lucky they had been to get her, but from this unique point of view she would never even had imagine life.

"So, by putting you in my path, dad had a new way of manipulating me."

Chloe's confused expression remained. "He sound like a..."

"A cruel, manipulative bastard, yes."

"Wow," Chloe chortled. She shook her head while contemplating God in a family situation. "Just to speak of God and the Devil in first person is just... fiction."

"Well, we are quite famous, I know."

Chloe didn't know what to say of that. Famous was the understatement of the millennium, and beyond. She was blown away just by sitting here talking to Lucifer again, but it was very hard to grasp what he was saying. "So, immortal with the ability to draw out peoples hidden desires. Am I right?"

"And don't forget all things tongue related," he smirked, and for that Chloe blushed and tried to chase that train of thought away. But failed. In the eyes of her mind a forked tongue flickered out from his flirty face. She shook her head to regain focus. "But when Malcolm shot you..."

"Yes, I died for a moment, but I promised dad to be the son he always wanted me to be, in exchange for him to save you."

Chloe's mouth fell open. "You died for me?"

"No, I came back for you."

Chloe's head started to hurt. This was too much for one woman to handle. But the fear she had held all the weeks he had been gone had slowly faded away. Doctor Linda kept contact with him after he had shown that horrifying face to her, she had told Chloe. How could you be friend with the devil? How could she not?

"Well my dear, we've been friends for a year already," Lucifer answered to Chloe's surprise. The first thing that hit her was the horrifying thought that he could read her mind, but she soon figured that she must have spoken the words out loud.

"What," she cleared her throat. "What do you mean?"

"Just because you didn't believe me, it didn't stop me being the Devil."

That idiotic statement actually made sense. Lucifer hadn't changed; he had been the Devil all along.

Chloe's phone rang, interrupting them and she answered like she always did. Lucifer watched her and noticed the official stance she always got when it was an official business. "What the he-" she stopped just before the double L:s and stared wide eyed at Lucifer who raised his brows in question, but the smile was not far behind. She closed his amused look out with her lids. "Yes, I'll be there," she answered just as Lucifer anticipated, before she hung up. "There's a case."

Lucifer simply watched questioning as she got on her feet. "Aren't you coming?"

"You're not gonna say; stay Lucifer, good Devil," he teased with that sarcasm that was his trademark.

"Stop fooling around. I need my partner."

"I'd be happy to."


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